Home Results Table Statistics

Boston United Reserves - Season 2002/03

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 Date         V C Opponents                  Att. Result      1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9            10            11            Sub           Sub           Sub
 Mon 12th Aug A L Stamford A.F.C.                 L  1-2  Conroy        Hogg          Hardie        Hart          Monington     R.W'thstn     Magennis      Costello      Douglas       Town(1)       Ghaichem      Daniel        N.Thompson    Kirk          Angel
 Wed 28th Aug A A Grimsby Town                    L  2-3  Conroy        R.W'thstn     Monington     Elding        Morley        Lodge         Redfearn      Costello(1)   Cook          Marcelle(1)   Douglas       Hardie        Hart          Clifford
 Wed  4th Sep H A LINCOLN CITY                300 W  2-0  Conroy        Clifford      Lodge         Ellender      Monington     R.W'thstn     Morley        Douglas(1)    Elding        Harries       Cook(1)       Angel         Redfearn      Hart
 Wed  2nd Oct H A MANSFIELD TOWN              314 L  1-3  Conroy        Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Hocking       Van-Dommel    Bennett       L.Thompson    Clare         Burton        Angel(1)      Hart          Hardie        Kilday
 Wed  9th Oct A C Scunthorpe United           204 L  2-3  Conroy        Clifford      R.W'thstn     Hocking       Lodge         Cook          Johnrose      Higgins       Elding(1)     Ward(1)       Angel         Hart          Marcelle      Gould
 Wed 16th Oct A A York City                       L  2-3  Conroy        R.W'thstn     Lodge         VanDommel     Monington     Hart(1)       Costello      Redfearn(1)   Elding        Ward          Gould         Hardie        Warburton     Town
 Wed 30th Oct H A SCARBOROUGH                 202 W  2-1  Conroy        Costello      Lodge         Redfearn      Monington     Rusk          Town          Smith         Elding(1)     Douglas(1)    Gould         Barnes        Hardie        Hart
 Wed 20th Nov H C SHEFFIELD UNITED            261 D  4-4  Conroy        Clifford      R.W'thstn     Ellender      Gould         C.Smith       Costello      Redfearn      Hardie(1)     Cook(2)       Elding        N.Thompson    Hart          Town(1)
 Wed 27th Nov A A Scunthorpe United               W  2-1  Conroy        Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn(1)  Heinemann     C.Smith       Hart          Redfearn      Town(1)       Elding        Cook          Bennett
 Wed  4th Dec A A Hull City                   248 L  0-1  Bastock       Clifford      Heinemann     R.W'thstn     McCarthy      Bennett       C.Smith       Redfearn      Logan         Douglas       Gould         Battersby     Elding        Cook
 Wed 11th Dec H A NOTTS COUNTY                146 L  0-2  Conroy        Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Wilson        C.Smith       Douglas       Elding        Battersby     Town          Cook          Hart          Logan         Redfearn
 Wed  8th Jan A U Rushden & Diamonds              W  6-3  Conroy        Gould         Greaves(2)    R.W'thstn     Bennett       Balmer        L.Thompson(1) Battersby(1)  Cook          Town          Elding        Hart          Trialist(1)   N.Thompson
 Wed 15th Jan H A GRIMSBY TOWN                226 W  3-1  Conroy        Gould         R.W'thstn     Ellender      Balmer        L.Thompson    Elding        Greaves       Battersby(2)  Town(1)       Cook          Hart          Hardie        N.Thompson
 Wed 22nd Jan A C Doncaster Rovers                L  1-2  Conroy        Gould         R.W'thstn     Ellender      Elding        Redfearn      Higgins       Angel         Cook(1)       Town          Battersby     Hart          Hardie        N.Thompson
 Wed 29th Jan A A Lincoln City                    W  3-0  Conroy        Gould         R.W'thstn     Ellender      Hart          Beevers       Higgins       Hardie        Cook          Elding        Angel         Town          S.W'thstn(3)  L.Thompson
 Wed 12th Feb H A HARTLEPOOL UNITED           222 W  3-2  Conroy        Clark         R.W'thstn     Ellender      Gould         Bennett(1)    George        Thornton      Douglas       Town(1)       Cook(1)       N.Thompson
 Wed 26th Feb A A Scarborough                     W  3-1  Price         Clark         R.W'thstn     Costello      Muscat        Gilroy        Town          Ferguson      George        Douglas(1)    Bernhardt(2)  Conroy        Greaves       Cook
 Wed 12th Mar H A YORK CITY                   276 W  1-0  Price         Muscat        Jervis        Greaves       Clark         Thornton      Rusk          Dickenson     Angel         Town(1)       George        Conroy        Gould         Redfearn
 Wed 26th Mar A A Hartlepool United               L  0-1  Price         Clark         Jervis        Bennett       Gulliver      Beevers       Dickinson     Duffield      Douglas       Gould         Costello      Conroy        N.Thompson    Redfearn
 Mon  7th Apr H A SCUNTHORPE UNITED           157 W  4-2  Conroy        Costello      Gould(1)      Clark         N.Thompson    Beevers       S.W'thstn(1)  Brassart      Sylva         Town          Dickinson(2)  Rusk          Price         Angel
 Wed  9th Apr A A Darlington                      L  0-1  Price         Rusk          Gould         Clark         Beevers       McKenzie      Dickinson     Brassart      Manson        Town          Angel         Costello      Flockett      Conroy
 Wed 16th Apr H A HULL CITY                   240 D  0-0  Price         Costello      Gould         Maughan       Beevers       Clark         Richardson    McKenzie      Town          Roach         Dickinson     Rusk          S.W'thstn     Conroy
 Wed 23rd Apr A A Notts County                    L  0-5  Conroy        Clark         Simms         Beevers       Gould         Richardson    Maughan       Robson        Town          Angel         Dickinson     Higgins       Costello      N.Thompson
 Mon 28th Apr H A DARLINGTON                  221 L  1-2  Price         Holmes        Gould         Maughan       Clark         Beevers       Heard         McKenzie      Town(1)       M'ddlbrook    Dickinson     Angel         Hocking       N.Thompson
 Wed 30th Apr A A Mansfield Town                  W  4-1  Conroy        Holmes        Stewart       L.Chapman     Jordan        Heard         Gould         Clark(2)      Dickinson(1)  M'ddlbrook(1) Town          Angel         Price

All home matches kick-off at 7.00pm. Admission to home reserves matches is £2 for adults and £1 for concessions and is to the Finnforest stand only.

If a team name is underlined then a link to a match report is available.
V - Venue
  • H - Home
  • A - Away
C - Competition
  • A - Avon Insurance League Division One East
  • C - Central League Cup
  • L - Lincolnshire County Cup
  • U - Friendly
The United goalscorers are initially put after the result until I get the team sheet. Then the number of goals scored are put in ( ) next to the goalscorer's name.