Boston United's Season 2002/3
Date V C Opponents Att. Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
Sat 20th Jul H U BARNSLEY 829 D 1-1 Bastock Rusk Chapman Hocking Warburton Rodwell Bennett Brady Clare S.W'thstn Elding Monington(1) Elam Gould Murphy Hardie
Sun 21st Jul A U Billericay Town W 2-0 Conroy Elding Chapman Monington Rusk Angel Elam Brady Holloway Murphy Town(1) Clare(1) Rodwell Warburton S.W'thstn
Tue 23rd Jul A U Boreham Wood W 2-1 Bastock Brady Chapman Monington Warburton Rodwell Bennett Rusk Clare(2) Elding Angel Gould R.W'thstn Elam Town Lodge
Sat 10th Aug H N A.F.C. BOURNEMOUTH 4184 D 2-2 Bastock Morley Chapman Ellender Hocking Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn Clare Elding Gould(1) Rodwell Cook N.Thompson Angel Conroy
Sat 1st Feb A N A.F.C. Bournemouth 5180 L 1-2 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Greaves Balmer Redfearn Angel(1) Duffield Logan S.W'thstn Town Bennett Gould L.Thompson Conroy
Wed 13th Nov H V BRISTOL CITY 1408 L 1-2 Bastock Hocking Chapman Bennett Rusk Greaves Higgins Angel L.Thompson(1) Battersby S.W'thstn Elding R.W'thstn Douglas Gould Conroy
Sat 25th Jan H N BRISTOL ROVERS 3209 D 0-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Greaves Balmer Bennett L.Thompson Douglas Logan S.W'thstn Town Redfearn Gould Higgins Conroy
Sat 28th Dec A N Bristol Rovers 8311 D 1-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Redfearn Costello Higgins Angel Douglas Logan(1) S.W'thstn Battersby L.Thompson Greaves Gould Conroy
Tue 20th Aug A W Bristol Rovers 4555 W 2-0 Bastock Rusk Hocking Ellender N.Thompson Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn(1) Clare Burton(1) Angel Monington Cook Elding Morley Conroy
Sat 31st Aug H N BURY 2790 D 1-1 Bastock Rusk Hocking Ellender Greaves Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn(1) Clare Burton Gould Douglas Cook Angel Clifford Conroy
Sat 18th Jan A N Bury 3024 D 0-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Greaves Balmer Bennett L.Thompson Douglas Logan S.W'thstn Town Battersby Gould Higgins Conroy
Sat 28th Sep H N CAMBRIDGE UNITED 3090 L 1-3 Bastock R.W'thstn Lodge Greaves Monington Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn(1) Douglas Elding Costello Cook Burton Gould N.Thompson Conroy
Sat 3rd May A N Cambridge United 4488 W 2-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Greaves Rusk(1) Ellender Bennett Costello S.W'thstn Logan Duffield Angel(1) Beevers Gould Town Conroy
Wed 11th Sep H W CARDIFF CITY 2280 L 1-5 Bastock Clifford N.Thompson Bennett Greaves Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn Douglas Ellender(1) Angel Burton Cook Gould Hocking Conroy
Sat 8th Mar H N CARLISLE UNITED 3131 D 0-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Bennett Redfearn Ellender Angel Douglas Logan S.W'thstn Town Costello Duffield Greaves Price
Sat 21st Sep A N Carlisle United 3623 L 2-4 Bastock Rusk Gould Ellender Hocking Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn Douglas(1) Burton Cook(1) Monington Elding R.W'thstn Lodge Conroy
Wed 19th Mar H N DARLINGTON 2186 W 1-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves(1) Redfearn Ellender Angel Rusk Logan S.W'thstn Costello George Duffield Gould Price
Sat 19th Oct A N Darlington 3033 W 3-2 Bastock Clifford Chapman Bennett Hocking Greaves Higgins Angel L.Thompson(3) S.W'thstn Cook Redfearn Douglas Warburton R.W'thstn Conroy
Sat 2nd Nov H N EXETER CITY 2474 L 0-3 Bastock R.W'thstn Chapman Bennett Hocking Warburton Higgins Angel L.Thompson Battersby S.W'thstn Redfearn Douglas Greaves Cook Conroy
Sat 15th Feb A N Exeter City 2834 W 2-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Bennett Balmer Redfearn(1) Gould Duffield Logan S.W'thstn Town Ellender George Douglas(1) Conroy
Tue 30th Jul A U Halesowen Town L 0-2 Conroy Hocking Carter R.W'thstn Foran Gould Darby Brady Town Zayad Angel Elding Hardie Hart Warburton
Sat 4th Jan H N HARTLEPOOL UNITED 3081 L 0-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Redfearn Greaves Bennett Angel Battersby Logan S.W'thstn Town L.Thompson Gould Balmer Conroy
Tue 13th Aug A N Hartlepool United 4841 L 0-2 Bastock Rodwell Chapman Ellender Hocking Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn Clare Cook Gould Monington Costello Town Angel Conroy
Fri 2nd Aug A U Holbeach United W 4-0 Conroy R.W'thstn Hart Monington Foran Ellender Steer Hardie Quailey Town(1) Angel(1) Elding Murphy(1) Cook(1) Ghaichem
Sat 12th Apr H N HULL CITY 3782 L 0-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn Ellender Bennett Duffield Logan Angel Rusk Town Gould S.W'thstn Price
Sat 23rd Nov A N Hull City 9460 L 0-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Costello Warburton Higgins Angel L.Thompson Battersby Elding Cook R.W'thstn Douglas Redfearn Conroy
Mon 15th Jul H U IPSWICH TOWN 489 L 0-1 Bastock Rusk Chapman Ellender Hocking Rodwell Elding Brady Clare S.W'thstn Angel Conroy Elam McNamara R.W'thstn Town
Sat 22nd Feb H N KIDDERMINSTER HARRIERS 2485 W 3-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Bennett Balmer Ellender Gould Duffield Logan(2) S.W'thstn(1) Town R.W'thstn George Douglas Price
Sat 7th Sep A N Kidderminster Harriers 2222 D 0-0 Bastock Rusk Hocking Ellender Greaves Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn Douglas Gould Angel Burton Cook N.Thompson Clifford Conroy
Sat 30th Nov H N LEYTON ORIENT 2616 L 0-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Greaves Costello Higgins Angel L.Thompson Battersby S.W'thstn Logan Bennett R.W'thstn Cook Conroy
Sat 5th Apr A N Leyton Orient 3939 L 2-3 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn(1) Ellender Bennett Duffield Logan(1) Angel Douglas Costello Gould S.W'thstn Price
Sat 24th Aug H N LINCOLN CITY 5159 W 2-0 Bastock Rusk Hocking Ellender N.Thompson Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn(1) Clare(1) Burton Angel Monington Cook Gould Redfearn Conroy
Wed 1st Jan A N Lincoln City 7846 D 1-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Redfearn Costello Higgins Angel Douglas Logan(1) S.W'thstn Battersby L.Thompson Greaves Bennett Conroy
Sat 26th Apr H N MACCLESFIELD TOWN 3825 W 2-1 Bastock Hocking(1) Chapman Balmer Rusk Ellender Bennett Costello S.W'thstn Logan Duffield(1) Angel Beevers Douglas Town Conroy
Sat 5th Oct A N Macclesfield Town 1941 L 0-2 Bastock Gould Greaves Bennett Hocking Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn L.Thompson Clare Costello Cook Clifford Elding N.Thompson Conroy
Sat 16th Nov A F Northampton Town 4373 L 2-3 Bastock Hocking Chapman Bennett Rusk Warburton Higgins(1) Angel L.Thompson Battersby(1) Cook Elding R.W'thstn Douglas Gould Conroy
Tue 6th Aug H U NOTTINGHAM FOREST 1611 L 0-3 Bastock Morley Gould Hocking Warburton Chapman Bennett Burton Clare S.W'thstn Ellender Elding Rusk Redfearn N.Thompson
Sat 14th Sep H N OXFORD UNITED 2685 L 1-3 Bastock Clifford N.Thompson Hocking Greaves Redfearn(1) Warburton S.W'thstn Douglas Ellender Cook Burton Elding Gould Rusk Conroy
Sat 1st Mar A N Oxford United 7157 L 1-2 Bastock Hocking Chapman Costello Bennett Greaves Ellender George Duffield Logan S.W'thstn Town R.W'thstn Redfearn Douglas(1) Price
Sat 3rd Aug H U PETERBOROUGH UNITED 842 L 0-3 Bastock Rusk Gould Hocking Warburton Rodwell Bennett Redfearn Clare S.W'thstn Willis Cook R.W'thstn Elding Ellender
Sat 26th Oct H N ROCHDALE 2653 W 3-1 Bastock Clifford Chapman Bennett Hocking Warburton Higgins Angel L.Thompson Battersby(1) S.W'thstn(1) Redfearn Douglas(1) R.W'thstn Cook Conroy
Sat 15th Mar A N Rochdale 2538 L 0-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Bennett Redfearn Ellender Angel Duffield Logan S.W'thstn Town Greaves Rusk Gould Price
Sat 27th Jul H U ROTHERHAM UNITED 774 L 1-2 Bastock Rusk Chapman Monington Foran Warburton Bennett Redfearn(1) Clare S.W'thstn Willis Brady Gould Elding Town
Sat 22nd Mar H N RUSHDEN AND DIAMONDS 3504 D 1-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn Ellender Angel Rusk Logan S.W'thstn Douglas Jones(1) Duffield Gould Price
Tue 29th Oct A N Rushden and Diamonds 4079 L 0-1 Bastock Clifford Chapman Bennett Hocking Warburton Higgins Angel L.Thompson Battersby S.W'thstn Redfearn Douglas R.W'thstn Cook Conroy
Sat 8th Feb H N SCUNTHORPE UNITED 3358 W 1-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman McCarthy Greaves Balmer Redfearn Angel Duffield Logan(1) S.W'thstn Town Bennett Gould Douglas Conroy
Sat 9th Nov A N Scunthorpe United 3730 L 0-2 Bastock Hocking Chapman Bennett Ellender Greaves Higgins Douglas L.Thompson Battersby S.W'thstn Elding R.W'thstn Angel Rusk Conroy
Sat 21st Dec H N SHREWSBURY TOWN 2155 W 6-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Redfearn(1) Costello Higgins Angel Douglas(1) Logan(2) S.W'thstn Battersby L.Thompson McCarthy Gould(1) Conroy
Sat 19th Apr A N Shrewsbury Town 4373 W 2-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn(1) Ellender Bennett S.W'thstn Logan Duffield(1) Costello Douglas Town Rusk Conroy
Mon 21st Apr H N SOUTHEND UNITED 3247 W 1-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Rusk Redfearn Ellender Bennett S.W'thstn Logan Duffield Costello Angel(1) Douglas Town Conroy
Sat 14th Dec A N Southend United 3245 L 2-4 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Redfearn Costello Higgins Angel(1) L.Thompson Logan(1) S.W'thstn Battersby Douglas R.W'thstn Cook Conroy
Wed 18th Sep H N SWANSEA CITY 2209 W 1-0 Bastock Rusk Gould Ellender Greaves Redfearn Warburton S.W'thstn(1) Douglas Burton Cook Hocking Elding R.W'thstn Lodge Conroy
Tue 4th Mar A N Swansea City 6642 D 0-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Bennett Costello Ellender Redfearn Douglas Logan S.W'thstn Town Angel Duffield Rusk Price
Sat 12th Oct H N TORQUAY UNITED 2514 W 2-1 Bastock Clifford Chapman Bennett Hocking Greaves Higgins Angel L.Thompson(1) S.W'thstn Cook(1) Redfearn Gould Elding R.W'thstn Conroy
Sat 29th Mar A N Torquay United 3039 D 1-1 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn Ellender Bennett Jones Logan S.W'thstn Douglas Costello Duffield Angel(1) Price
Wed 2nd Apr H N WREXHAM 1919 D 3-3 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Greaves Redfearn(1) Ellender Bennett Jones Logan S.W'thstn Douglas Costello Duffield(2) Angel Price
Sat 17th Aug A N Wrexham 3293 D 1-1 Bastock Chapman Hocking Rodwell Gould Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn Clare Burton Rusk(1) Monington Cook Angel Morley Conroy
Wed 23rd Oct H V YEOVIL TOWN 1323 W 4-2 Bastock Clifford Chapman Bennett Hocking Greaves Higgins Angel(1) L.Thompson(1) Battersby(1) S.W'thstn(1) Redfearn Elding Warburton Gould Conroy
Thu 26th Dec H N YORK CITY 3864 W 3-0 Bastock Hocking Chapman Balmer Redfearn Costello Higgins Angel Douglas(2) Logan(1) S.W'thstn Battersby L.Thompson McCarthy Gould Conroy
Mon 26th Aug A N York City 4228 L 0-2 Bastock Rusk Hocking Ellender N.Thompson Bennett Warburton S.W'thstn Clare Burton Angel Monington Cook Gould Redfearn Conroy
Nationwide League fixtures are copyright © The FA Premier League and
The Football League Ltd 2002.
If a team name is underlined then a link to a match report is available.
V - Venue
C - Competition
- U - Friendly
- N - Nationwide League
- F - FA Cup
- W - Worthington Cup
- V - LDV Vans Trophy
Att. - Attendance |
The United goalscorers are initially put after the result until I get the
team sheet. Then the number of goals scored are put in ( ) next to the
goalscorer's name. Substitutions are indicated by highlighting a player's
name. If a substitute is used then their name is highlighted in italics,
underline or bold and the player they replaced has their name highlighted
in the same way. If a substitute is not used then their name just appears as
normal text. |