Home Results News Table Squad Statistics

Boston United's Season 2001/2

 Date         V C Opponents                  Att. Result      1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9            10            11            Sub           Sub           Sub           Sub           Sub
 Sat 21st Jul A U King's Lynn                 717 W  2-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Marsh         Freeman       Monington     Angel         S.W'thstn(1)  Murphy        Town          Cook          Clare         Costello      Rusk          Gould         Elding
 Wed 25th Jul H U MANCHESTER UNITED          5184 D  1-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn(1)  Monington     S.W'thstn     Costello      Marsh         Murphy        Clare         Angel         Elding        Cook          Brown         Wornham       Fergus 
 Sat 28th Jul H U PETERBOROUGH UNITED         872 W  2-1  Bastock       Rusk          Gould         Hackett       Wornham       Costello      Cook          Marsh         Clare(1)      Town          Brown         S.W'thstn     Heggs(1)      Angel         Lodge         Clifford
 Mon 30th Jul H U BOLTON WANDERERS           1100 L  3-4  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington(1)  S.W'thstn(2)  Angel         Marsh         Murphy        Clare         Cook          Costello      Heggs         Town          Brown         Rusk
 Sat  4th Aug H U NORTHAMPTON TOWN            600 W  5-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington(1)  Marsh         Costello      Charlery(1)   Clare         S.W'thstn     Cook          Wornham(1)    Heggs(1)      Town          Elding(1)     Rusk
 Wed  8th Aug A U Worcester City                  L  2-3  J.Evans       Clifford      Triallist     R.W'thstn     Wornham       Rusk          Brown         Costello      Murphy        Town          Heggs(2)      Clare         Cook          Gould         Bastock       Elding
 Sat 11th Aug A U Halesowen Town                  W  4-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Marsh(1)      Brown         S.W'thstn     Murphy(1)     Clare(1)      Angel(1)      Cook          Town          Gould         Elding        Conroy
 Wed 24th Oct H U LEICESTER CITY                  L  0-2  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Rusk          Town          Murphy        Brown         Cook          Angel         Elding        Lodge         Eaton         Wornham
 Tue 11th Dec H U LIVERPOOL                       W  5-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Costello      Town          Elding        S.W'thstn(1)  Gould(2)      Brown(1)      Cook(1)       Hardie        Hart          Fletcher
 Wed 30th Jan A U Mansfield Town                  W  5-0  Conroy        Clifford      Gould         Monington     Elding        Town(1)       Beesley(1)    Tarrant       McGarry(3)    Brown         Cook          Hart          Fletcher      Hardie

 Mon 13th Aug H L SCUNTHORPE UNITED           670 D  3-3  Bastock       Clifford(1)   Fletcher      Taylor        Gould         Roach         Bailey        Charlery(2)   Eaton         Brown         Cook          Town          Elding        Sneddon       Long          Conroy
                                                  L  7-8 on penalties

 Sat 18th Aug H C MARGATE                    1909 L  0-1  J.Evans       Clifford      Lodge         Ellender      Monington     Marsh         Brown         Charlery      Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Murphy        Town          R.W'thstn     Cook          Conroy
 Tue 21st Aug A C Woking                     1701 W  2-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Marsh         Charlery      Clare(1)      S.W'thstn(1)  Cook          Brown         Town          Murphy        Gould         Conroy
 Sat 25th Aug A C Forest Green Rovers         816 W  3-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Marsh         Charlery(2)   Clare         S.W'thstn     Cook(1)       Brown         Town          Murphy        Gould         Conroy
 Wed 29th Aug H C STALYBRIDGE CELTIC         2015 W  4-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Marsh         Charlery(1)   Clare(1)      S.W'thstn(2)  Cook          Brown         Town          Murphy        Gould         Conroy
 Sat  1st Sep A C Northwich Victoria         1086 W  2-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Costello      Ellender      Marsh         Charlery(1)   Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Cook          Brown         Town          Murphy        Angel         Conroy
 Wed  5th Sep H C DONCASTER ROVERS           2272 D  2-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Costello      Charlery      Clare(2)      S.W'thstn     Cook          Brown         Murphy        Town          Angel         Conroy
 Sat  8th Sep H C YEOVIL TOWN                2282 W  4-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Brown(1)      Monington     Ellender      S.W'thstn(1)  Charlery(1)   Clare(1)      Costello      Cook          Murphy        Town          Gould         Wornham       Conroy
 Mon 10th Sep A C Dover Athletic              882 L  2-3  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Brown         Monington     Ellender      S.W'thstn     Charlery(1)   Clare         Costello      Gould         Murphy        Town          Cook          R.W'thstn     Conroy
 Sat 15th Sep A C Chester City                821 W  2-1  Bastock       Costello      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Marsh(1)      Charlery      Clare         S.W'thstn(1)  Brown         Murphy        Town          Gould         Cook          Conroy
 Wed 19th Sep H C DAGENHAM AND REDBRIDGE     2434 L  1-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Costello      Monington     Ellender      Marsh         Charlery      Clare         S.W'thstn(1)  Brown         R.W'thstn     Murphy        Town          Cook          Conroy
 Sat 22nd Sep H C HAYES                      1709 W  4-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Brabin        Costello      Charlery(1)   Clare         S.W'thstn(1)  Brown         Murphy        Town(1)       Cook          Angel(1)      Conroy
 Sat 29th Sep A C Farnborough Town           1175 W  2-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Costello      Charlery(1)   Clare         S.W'thstn(1)  Cook          Murphy        Town          Angel         Gould         Conroy
 Tue  2nd Oct A C Telford United             1113 D  2-2  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Costello(1)   Murphy(1)     Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Cook          Rusk          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat  6th Oct H C SCARBOROUGH                1700 D  2-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Costello      Murphy        Clare(2)      S.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Cook          Rusk          Gould         Conroy
 Wed 10th Oct H C MORECAMBE                  1730 W  2-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Town(1)       Gray          Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Angel         Cook          Murphy        Rusk          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 13th Oct A C Hereford United            1647 W  1-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Town          Gray          Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Cook          Murphy(1)     Rusk          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 20th Oct A C Barnet                     1858 W  1-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Rusk(1)       Gray          Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Murphy        Cook          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 27th Oct H F BRIGG TOWN                 1727 L  0-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender      Brown         Murphy        Clare         S.W'thstn     Cook          Town          Rusk          Angel         Lodge         Conroy
 Sat  3rd Nov H C SOUTHPORT                  1694 D  0-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Scott         Rusk          Brown         Elding        Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Murphy        Cook          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 10th Nov A C Stevenage Borough          2078 W  2-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Elding        Scott         Thompson      Rusk          Town(1)       Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Brown         Murphy        Angel         Cook          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 24th Nov H C LEIGH RMI                  1940 W  2-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Scott         Thompson      Rusk          Town(1)       Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Ellender      Elding        Lodge         Angel         Costello      Conroy
 Sat  1st Dec A C Margate                    1745 D  1-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Scott         Ellender      Rusk          Town          Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Elding(1)     Costello      Cook          Lodge         Conroy
 Sat 15th Dec H C WOKING                     1949 W  4-0  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Rusk          Monington     Ellender      Angel(1)      Brown         Elding(2)     S.W'thstn     Gould(1)      Town          Costello      Cook          Fletcher      Conroy
 Wed 26th Dec A C Nuneaton Borough           2203 D  1-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Gould         Monington     Ellender      Rusk          Brown         Elding(1)     S.W'thstn     Angel         R.W'thstn     Cook          Costello      Clare         Newton
 Sat 29th Dec H C FOREST GREEN ROVERS        2190 W  6-1  Bastock       Clifford      Scott(1)      R.W'thstn     Monington     Ellender(1)   Gould(1)      Elding        Clare(1)      S.W'thstn(1)  Angel         Cook(1)       Rusk          Costello      Brown         Newton
 Sat 12th Jan A T Northwich Victoria          966 L  1-3  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         R.W'thstn     Scott         Ellender      Rusk          Elding        Clare(1)      Costello      Cook          Angel         Town          Lodge         Monington     Newton
 Sat 19th Jan H C NORTHWICH VICTORIA         1981 W  3-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Scott         Monington     Ellender      Beesley       Elding(1)     Clare         S.W'thstn(2)  Angel         McGarry       Tarrant       Costello      R.W'thstn     Newton
 Sat 26th Jan A C Stalybridge Celtic         1023 L  1-2  Bastock       Rusk          Lodge         R.W'thstn     Scott         Ellender(1)   Beesley       Elding        McGarry       S.W'thstn     Angel         Gould         Monington     Brown         Tarrant       Conroy
 Mon 18th Feb H C HEREFORD UNITED            3013 L  3-4  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Beesley       Monington     Rodwell       McGarry       Tarrant(1)    Clare(2)      S.W'thstn     Angel         Elding        Rusk          K.Evans       Lodge         Conroy
 Mon  4th Mar A C Dagenham and Redbridge     3805 L  0-1  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Thompson      Monington     Rodwell       Rusk          Tarrant       Clare         S.W'thstn     Elding        McGarry       Beesley       Angel         Brown         Conroy
 Sat  9th Mar H C DOVER ATHLETIC             2042 W  4-2  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Thompson      Monington     Rodwell       Rusk          Tarrant       Clare(4)      Brown         Angel         Elding        McGarry       Town          Beesley       Conroy
 Tue 12th Mar A C Doncaster Rovers           4027 W  1-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Monington     Rodwell       Brown         Cook          Clare(1)      Rusk          Angel         McGarry       Beesley       Elding        Town          Conroy
 Sat 16th Mar H C TELFORD UNITED             2265 W  3-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Monington     Rodwell(1)    Brown         Cook(1)       Clare         Rusk          Angel(1)      McGarry       Beesley       Elding        Town          Conroy
 Wed 20th Mar H C NUNEATON BOROUGH           4200 W  4-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      R.W'thstn(1)  Rodwell       Brown(1)      Cook(1)       Clare(1)      Rusk          Angel         Elding        Town          Tarrant       Costello      Conroy
 Sat 23rd Mar H C CHESTER CITY               2519 L  0-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Warburton     Rodwell       Brown         Cook          Clare         Rusk          Angel         Elding        Town          Tarrant       Costello      Conroy
 Tue 26th Mar A C Yeovil Town                5061 W  1-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Warburton     Rodwell       Brown         Costello      Clare(1)      Rusk          Angel         Lodge         Cook          Tarrant       Murphy        Conroy
 Fri 29th Mar H C BARNET                     3669 D  1-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Warburton     Rodwell(1)    Brown         Costello      Clare         Rusk          Angel         Lodge         Cook          Tarrant       Murphy        Conroy
 Mon  1st Apr A C Southport                  1295 W  3-2  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Warburton     Rodwell       Brown         Murphy        Clare(2)      Rusk          Angel         Lodge         Cook          Town          Costello      Conroy
 Mon  8th Apr H C STEVENAGE BOROUGH          3841 D  0-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Warburton     Rodwell       Brown         Murphy        Clare         Rusk          Angel         Cook          Costello      S.W'thstn     Tarrant       Conroy
 Sat 13th Apr A C Leigh RMI                   788 W  2-1  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Costello      Rodwell       Brown(1)      Elding        Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Rusk          Cook          R.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Conroy
 Tue 16th Apr A C Scarborough                2228 L  0-2  Bastock       Clifford      Lodge         Ellender      Costello      Rodwell       Brown         Elding        Clare         S.W'thstn     Rusk          Cook          R.W'thstn     Angel         Town          Conroy
 Sat 20th Apr H C FARNBOROUGH TOWN           3764 W  4-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Costello      Rodwell       Rusk(1)       Elding(1)     Clare(1)      S.W'thstn     Angel(1)      Cook          Lodge         Tarrant       Beesley       Conroy
 Tue 23rd Apr A C Morecambe                  1374 D  0-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Costello      Rodwell       Rusk          Elding        Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Cook          Lodge         Tarrant       Beesley       Conroy
 Sun 28th Apr A C Hayes                      3249 W  2-0  Bastock       Clifford      Gould         Ellender      Costello      Rodwell       Rusk          Tarrant       Clare         S.W'thstn     Angel         Cook          Lodge         Warburton(1)  Elding        Conroy

If a team name is underlined then a link to a match report is available.
V - Venue
  • H - Home
  • A - Away
C - Competition
  • U - Friendly
  • C - Nationwide Conference
  • F - FA Cup
  • L - Lincolnshire County Cup
  • T - FA Trophy
Att. - Attendance
The United goalscorers are initially put after the result until I get the team sheet. Then the number of goals scored are put in ( ) next to the goalscorer's name. Substitutions are indicated by highlighting a player's name. If a substitute is used then their name is highlighted in italics, underline or bold and the player they replaced has their name highlighted in the same way. If a substitute is not used then their name just appears as normal text.

Boston United Database copyright © Ken Fox 2004.

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