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Date V C Opponents Att. Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sub Sat 3rd Oct H F ALFRETON 1258 W 2-0 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Adamson(2) Allen Hubbard Callery Cox Wed 21st Apr H A ALTRINCHAM 885 D 1-1 Blackwell Parr McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett(1) Worthington Sat 10th Oct A A Altrincham 1156 D 1-1 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Mallender Adamson Allen Hubbard(1) Callery Collier Sat 30th Jan H A A.P. LEAMINGTON 1074 W 2-0 Gordon Adamson Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen(2) Mallender Collier Cook Tue 10th Nov A A A.P. Leamington 290 D 2-2 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Collier Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett Hubbard Sat 22nd Aug H A BARNET 1443 D 1-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox Collier Bartlett Hubbard(1) Sat 1st May A A Barnet 890 D 0-0 Blackwell Lyon McVay Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Cook Mallender Allen Cox Sun 14th Feb H A BARROW 939 W 2-1 Gordon Adamson Dulson Tiler Parr(1) Simpson(1) Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender Collier Cook Sun 7th Mar A A Barrow 931 L 0-1 Blackwell Adamson McVay Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Collier Bartlett Sat 7th Nov H A BATH CITY 1272 W 4-0 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Collier(1) Cox(1) Allen(1) Mallender Bartlett Hubbard Sat 20th Mar A A Bath City 686 W 2-1 Blackwell Adamson McVay Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips(1) Cox(1) Allen Mallender Bartlett Warnes Sat 13th Mar H A DAGENHAM 1044 L 3-4 Blackwell McVay Dulson Adamson Parr(1) Collier Phillips Cox(2) Allen Mallender Cook Bartlett Sat 24th Oct A A Dagenham 954 L 0-2 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Cox Mallender Allen Callery Hubbard Sat 27th Feb H A DARTFORD 1059 W 3-2 Gordon Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Cox(1) Allen Mallender Cook Collier Sun 28th Mar A A Dartford 732 L 1-2 Blackwell McVay Dulson Tiler Parr Adamson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender(1) Bartlett Warnes Sat 31st Oct H F DUNSTABLE 1465 W 3-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable(2) Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett(1) Hubbard Sat 3rd Apr H A ENFIELD 986 W 1-0 Blackwell Parr McVay Tiler Adamson(1) Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett Worthington Sat 14th Nov A A Enfield 1048 L 0-4 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Collier Cook Allen Mallender Bartlett Adamson Sat 2nd Jan H A FRICKLEY ATHLETIC 843 W 3-1 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen(1) Mallender Collier(1) Cox Wed 16th Sep H B FRICKLEY ATHLETIC 1067 D 0-0 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox Hubbard Allen Collier Sat 17th Apr A A Frickley Athletic 409 L 1-4 Blackwell Parr McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips(1) Cox Allen Mallender Worthington Bartlett Wed 30th Sep A B Frickley Athletic 506 W 3-1 Blackwell Parr(1) Adamson Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Phillips Allen(1) Hubbard(1) Callery Cox Wed 5th Aug H L GAINSBOROUGH TRINITY 956 W 3-0 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Adamson(1) Simpson Phillips Collier Cox(2) Hubbard Bartlett Cook Mallender Sat 13th Feb H A GRAVESEND AND NORTHFLEET 1165 D 2-2 Gordon Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Parr(1) Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender Collier Cook Tue 11th Aug A L Grantham Town 606 W 3-1 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips Mallender(2) Cox Hubbard Bartlett(1) Cook Collier Tue 20th Oct A A Gravesend and Northfleet 724 L 1-3 Blackwell Parr Dulson Adamson(1) Annable Simpson Bartlett Mallender Allen Hubbard Callery Cox Wed 20th Jan H T HYDE UNITED 1148 L 0-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender Collier Cook Wed 19th Aug H A KETTERING TOWN 1456 W 4-2 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox(2) Collier(1) Bartlett Hubbard Sat 21st Nov H F KETTERING TOWN 2826 L 0-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Collier Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett Hubbard Wed 23rd Sep A A Kettering Town 1509 D 1-1 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Adamson Simpson Bartlett(1) Phillips Allen Collier Callery Hubbard Wed 27th Jan H L LINCOLN CITY 1119 D 1-1 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender Collier Cook Cox Sat 23rd Jan H A MAIDSTONE UNITED 968 W 6-0 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips(1) Bartlett(1) Allen Mallender Collier(3) Cox Wed 31st Mar A A Maidstone United 616 W 2-0 Blackwell Parr McVay Tiler Adamson Worthington Phillips Cox(1) Allen Mallender Bartlett(1) Cook Sat 17th Oct H F NORTH FERRIBY UNITED 1322 W 4-0 Blackwell Parr(1) Adamson(1) Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Mallender Allen(1) Hubbard(1) Callery Cox Sat 5th Sep H A NORTHWICH VICTORIA 1222 W 2-0 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox(2) Allen Bartlett Hubbard Sat 6th Mar A A Northwich Victoria 828 L 0-1 Blackwell McVay Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Cook Bartlett Sat 26th Sep H A RUNCORN 1422 L 0-1 Blackwell Parr Adamson Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Phillips Cox Collier Allen Hubbard Wed 10th Feb H B RUNCORN 1065 W 2-1 Gordon Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen(1) Mallender Collier Cook Sat 20th Feb A A Runcorn 939 L 0-4 Gordon Adamson Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender Collier Cook Tue 23rd Feb A B Runcorn 1051 L 0-1 Gordon Adamson Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Cook Collier Wed 14th Oct H A SCARBOROUGH 1258 W 2-1 Blackwell Parr Adamson Tiler Annable Simpson Bartlett Mallender Allen Hubbard(2) Callery Cook Mon 7th Sep A A Scarborough 2139 D 1-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox(1) Hubbard Allen Collier Sat 5th Dec H A STAFFORD RANGERS 1225 W 2-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson(1) Phillips McVay Allen Mallender(1) Collier Bartlett Tue 23rd Mar A A Stafford Rangers 780 D 0-0 Blackwell McVay Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett Warnes Sat 19th Sep H F SUTTON TOWN 1331 W 2-1 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Adamson Simpson Bartlett Phillips(1) Cox(1) Collier Allen Hubbard Wed 6th Jan H A TELFORD UNITED 760 W 4-2 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Parr Annable Simpson Phillips(1) Bartlett(1) Allen Mallender Collier(2) Cox Wed 28th Apr A A Telford United 1305 L 1-4 Blackwell Lyon McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips Cox(1) Cook Mallender Allen Parr Sat 24th Apr H A TROWBRIDGE TOWN 880 W 1-0 Blackwell Lyon McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender(1) Bartlett Cook Sat 15th Aug A A Trowbridge Town 1047 L 0-1 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cook Hubbard Bartlett Collier Sat 12th Sep H A WEYMOUTH 1344 L 0-2 Blackwell Parr Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox Hubbard Allen Bartlett Sat 6th Feb A A Weymouth 522 L 1-2 Gordon Adamson Dulson Tiler Parr Simpson Phillips Bartlett Allen Mallender(1) Collier Cox Sat 10th Apr H A WORCESTER CITY 1058 W 3-2 Blackwell Parr McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips(1) Cox(1) Allen Mallender(1) Bartlett Worthington Sat 29th Aug A A Worcester City 1205 D 0-0 Blackwell Adamson Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Phillips Mallender Cox Hubbard Bartlett Worthington Sun 25th Apr H A YEOVIL TOWN 746 D 0-0 Blackwell Lyon McVay Tiler Adamson Simpson Phillips Cox Allen Mallender Bartlett Cook Sat 28th Nov A A Yeovil Town 1108 W 1-0 Blackwell Adamson(1) Dulson Tiler Annable Simpson Collier McVay Allen Mallender Bartlett Phillips
V - Venue
C - Competition
<< | 80/1 | 81/2 | 82/3 | 83/4 | 84/5 | 85/6 | 86/7 | 87/8 | 88/9 | 89/90 | >> |