Author Topic: NOT SO GREEN THEN DENNIS!!x  (Read 17359 times)


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« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2013, 11:17:42 PM » have it spot on Burgh Boy!!x The values 'the peoples' game once held...are now dictated by the few moguls who can afford to 'control' the game! How Blatter has survived so long is testament to the endemic corruption right to the core....end of!x I have never been bothered with the 'result' of any game really.....u just go don't ya?! But I do have fond memory's of the FA Cup in particular and indeed for those who did read the stuff above the FA Cup Chelski/Leeds 1970 was the instigator of my football 'career'! So it has a resonance with me and always will any 'cup' game really! Gives anyone a chance dunit...?....unless ure Burnley!x

Well done again today...!x Histon had a brilliant performance against them on Tuesday....up until then Brackley were doing it them not good enuff...or you...and Histon....upping your game?! As a 'neutral'...I can offer this...and it will hopefully answer your question too Bosleake!.....and he asked so go get ure aspirin Shoddy's Lane...hehe!X

Personally...I would say Histon have improved....and so have you! Dennis any new manager...will inspire most! The majority of players will become 'journey men'! One of my good friends has done more than everyone else...Trevor Benjamin...'Bruno'...fact!!x I know every 'situation' he has endured on that gives me some idea of what players go through when getting a new manager and stuff!

That knowledge tells me they'd be 'full on'....for Dennis anyway! To answer your question about your new manager....I ain't got a clue...from a football technical perspective! I work with and serve 'people'. I know what they are and aren't about. Dennis stayed well clear of me in the Histon forum. He did right to. He knew his football stuff...I know the terraces. I also knew what he'd walked into better than he perhaps did. That perhaps was the pre-cursor to him skirting around the Histon forum and avoiding any direct 'chat' of any worth. However...he was very keen to engage with fans. He was also perhaps too keen to win them over in arguments too! But....he was working with a fan base of around 200+ everybody counted really. However...the bigger the club.....the more precarious that 'engagement' with fans via the net becomes! The fact he hasn't popped in here is a pleasant surprise. He was full on from day 1 at Histon...Twitter and the Unofficial forum. St Neots had it going well to on the net...BUT...they are very insular over there...and certainly he may have had a false sense of security as he was always among his 'own' over there in forums! At Histon....or here...he is open to 'the world'....and he indeed like anyone can become a small player in a land of giants! The fact he hasn't made an appearance is my 'professional' opinion. I said that day one he arrived at Histon and when I arrived here in the post above. Yeah...great banter to be had...revolutionary stuff....but....potentially compromising! It's healthy to have a 'gap' between fans and managers I suggest. These places can get 'personal' and indeed become public knowledge rapidly. I have seen several Directors and Chairmen 'finished' as a result of venturing liberally onto the net! Managers would be easy meat...I reckon.

That's not to say that Dennis wouldn't be up for an 'arranged' Net chat/live chat situation i'm sure! We did it up United about 10 years ago....I hosted a forum on Sunday evenings and had a player or summink as guest'. Dennis would be up for that kinda thing based on his keenness at Histon and St Neots i'd say! Ask him! It'd be good to get the kids on and stuff to 'speak with the Manager'! Structured /mature' stuff....all good methinks....and revolutionary...for a Manager!x

What's he like? I know the Chairman and everyone involved in Histon who would know. Based on that....and my personal assessment from games I saw...and watched his performance and heard his words???....and take into account 'baggage' and success from St Neots???....and his relatively inexperience as a Manager?....then i'll repeat what I said in me first post to him above Bosleake.....i'd have him at any Club I frequent!x I wouldn't say it if i didn't mean it! Dennis knows that too!x

I read your Chairmans comments/apologies...sounds a Luvly fella and in the same vein as Uniteds new Chairman and indeed similar to Russell back at far as manner and intent is concerned! Pleasant folk!x Dennis's grit and determination....and boosted by his i'm sure desperate desire to succeed to prove himself to St Neots lot as well as football in any spurned luvver would...then I reckon you have yourselves a 'winning combination'...and team! GET EXCITED!!!!!!!x The Histon game will also be....'interesting'! As a neutral....i'm looking forward to that too!x
I hope that helps....but it's results that count....and he's kicked off ok init? Give him anuver week i'd say!x


I found these from the 90's....happy days indeed...!x

« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 11:38:12 PM by SOOTY »


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« Reply #46 on: March 09, 2013, 11:41:49 PM »
Rupe and Chris! When was this Sooty?
Often bump it Rupe!Looks like my brother in law was there with you!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 11:50:53 PM by kingofnaves »


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« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2013, 12:17:36 PM »
Small world eh?!x Another reason why Dennis or any Manager should think carefully about going 'public' casually!x I have a cuppa in me jamas....and i can find...trace...find out about anything or anyone....right now! That 'power' unsavoury hands....could wreak havoc for any 'innocent' Manager...Executive...drug baron...warmonger...and troll! probs!x Very few people can be as 'candid' as i have been! How many folk do you know who are mentally...emotionally and financially 'free' of 'the system' and society?! I have no skeletons...or none that I would wish to hide! Quite 'unique' and unless someone is in that position....they will always be 'compromised' some way! Last comment on it...and hopefully i've said enuff for you folk to develop this platform WITH your Manager/ serve you all best!x

Now...them posters Kingofknaves...!x It was after '93 and before '95....but I was over regular for different functions and charity events too since! Whilst luving me Northern...I am interested in all music and have collected it across the genres covering the past 60+ years.....all on vinyl! I have got together one of the most comprehensive 'rare' vinyl collections in the i'm told! Wise 'investment' too! When the C&E raided me house to get any valuables to confiscate to repay the VAT on the fags initially....I opened me record boxes to the 12+ officers who took an interest in me Elvis... Beatles...Madness...!....and obvious stuff...1 of them knew of Northern and so I spun his favourite.....but when I said 'do you want to take these too?'....they replied in unison....'not bl**dy likely' seeing as they was heavy and 'worthless' init!!! I closed the 3 lids on £350,000 worth of 'assets'....and went handcuffed quietly.....smiling!x I got all me stuff back anyways! Had the cream of the boxes knicked once too...all me Northern...£100ks worth minimum then! I'd left them in a car in Brighton for a minute....and the car was knicked!!! It was found on an a state.....but the record box had been left behind....opened....but 'worthless' init! Me and Chris Eubanks went piling onto the enclave in his big truck.....exciting day.....and as a Community focused is Chris....we met many Community leaders from theirs...and all was resolved!....the local police were....'impressed'!!hehe!x Make luv...not war!x So...wise investment me records in me time...I reckon!

In '95 I went national as a DJ at week-ends at major venues around the Country...London 100club...Blackburn...Manchester....Leeds....Stoke...Nottingham...and so these great 'local' nights became less and less for me as Saturdays meant trekking in a 17 seater somewhere! Quite often we had a handful come from Cambridge....and get on the mini bus for Blackburn!!! Happy days we all had! They are all Boston fans too at heart....and still read the papers I understand to find out 'the craic'! It was your venue 4 of the girls among that crowd had their 50th at last year which i came over to do! Party init...for old times!x That was the last time I was at your club....and a SUPER night was had by all....including your bar staff and Management!x Therefore I know you have fans in waiting in the town....I could vouch for around least!!x

How come? I ran a Soul night in Cambridge from '93 to '99 under the DJ name Sooty and flew the 'Cambridge Stompers' name as a club! I was in kids homes and stuff as a kid and never went to 'disco's'! So I caught up in me 30's...and could afford I did...BIG TIME!!x

We had our base at Cambridge City's venue called 'The City Stop! Rob...Terry...Chris...Rupe all came either to DJ or attend! I had developed the same friendships whilst visiting 9 local Soul Nights from here to Southend...Wellingborough and Grimsby! All were 'foot soldiers' enjoying their music and putting voluntary effort into sorting the nights out. It was a labour of love for us all I assure you!!
 I got them all together at my house and said look....these established venues and big doo's ain't gonna let us new kids on the block play at their gigs! They all agreed. So I put forth this....if i take the responsibility to foot the bill in any event....shall we put our own 'big' function on....we DJ ourselves...9 spots for 9 clubs.....and bring our own 'fans' from our respective clubs! We all agreed.....and 'The Maltings' was born at Ely! It held 350 max....and we SOLD OUT in advance every time....! If you look at the poster....I dedicated that very 'happening' at The Maltings to a local lad...Kev Goodwin...(RIP X). I had the real pleasure to mix with him before his early death due to illness. I still play a tune dedicated to him to this day! So...Boston was 'inspirational' to all this happening.....and hopefully you reading who aint interested in this can appreciate there is 'local' interest in it....init.....and forgive me for divulging!x

Everyone was astonished....except me...i'd been working the 'network' principal since the early 80's business wise and trained by 'the best' in the USA!! Each club had averaging 100-150 attending. They each had 30 tickets to their own promote their own 'spot' at the doo....job done....yawn!x Every DJ danced....and everyone had smiles all night at each dooo.....a proper 'peoples' night without bo**ox or givin it large by anyone.....all done soulfully! We had 3 there before we had to move.....and I said to them all.....let's re launch St Ives......a 2000 people venue that had 'Legend' status back in the 70's! After they changed knickers...hehe...We RAMMED it and they came from everywhere in the UK to enjoy it! There....I think I made up for me missed youff....and shared it with as many as possible...sorted!!x

Because the venue got national exposure and success...every major promoter wanted a piece of 'our' action! That meant me and some of these 'new kids' getting spots at top gigs around the UK....they got spots at long as they 'danced'....I insisted! No saddo zone! I ended up at 100club as a regular DJ....and influenced many 'famous' folk who came through in the charts and stuff which today has paid dividends in other ways.....20 years later!

....erm....Sooty 'the puppet' had just been sold as a franchise to the Chinese for £1 million that week!hehe!x

In 5 years i'd done it all to be honest! I was presented the below by the 'Industry' and all types wanted to get involved in me life....but...I just wanted to 'party'...and make people dance....which came natural...simple as! Never done it before had i?!! There was nothing 'challenging' as a DJ or promoter anymore and I had to go back home really and sort me marriage/life out once and for all! So I quit 'promoting'/DJing and returned to start building 'proper' businesses again! I'd been a Consultant to firms throughout all this 5/6/7 year of fun....but I wanted to stay more local after travelling for 20 years doing 1500 miles a week as a DJ/Salesman/Consultant and football fan...! A Media company was born along with my interest in pursuing justice for peedo victims...and soon after several other businesses followed including couriers/removals and a VIP vehicle/security service too ! As I was back 'ome...I also started to take a more direct interest in me football club/s....which remains to this day! I revisited those past 20 years....for meself in a selfish manner.....and found my reputation and 'service' to others over that time in various sectors of life....had earned me their 'support'! So today....I look after them all when I i want...and who I want! There's plenty of 'celebs'/football 'stars'...profiled folk.....gaffas...and so called 'gents' and Ladies out there....but only 1 Sooty to scrape em up off the floor at 3am and ensure their image remains intact!x

However...I did re-visit the Soul scene in 2003! I'd left a good wake with the scene as i had just been a 'Soulie'...nowt else! Moguls are still scratching their heads as to what I was about.....drug take over...ego...gangster sh*t???....naaaaa.....I just wanted to be a kid.....and I was! Played £1 record next to £1.000 ones....bovvered not and served 'the people'! Luv'd every minute of did the 'people'! So I went reminisce! Went to the biggest venue at Stoke...Kings Hall! Made an off the cuff film....nobody said i couldn't! It went massive and I enjoyed doing it!

That was 10 years ago! In the last 18 months...i've made a music album with Producer friend Pete Brazier...under the name of 'The Zoots Collective'! It features my rare records from across the eras...mixed up and added too for todays interests...we feel! So do record company's falling over to talk to us! So at present....there is a 'revival' of the documentary to promote some of the songs!!! It is coming off the press this week....and features 4 of the 13 songs off the album!.....ahhhh....that's what he's here for.....!hehe!x Nope...the Northern tracks have been dedicated to my 3 local football clubs and will enjoy any profits! The album has different genres covered and as I is a labour of love...for me!x Here's the new cover being printed this week...which sez all!x

There is a 'bonus' track on the of me favourites! It epitomises what me and my producer mate Pete think about the music industry today! I think it good to donate it to you fans...and i have give it some serious thought! Boston has been a focus in me life over the why not?! It is 'top secret' and only for those whom I am 'promoting' it to behind the scenes at present! The 'official' release of the tracks won't be for about 6 weeks! Seeing as i'm dedicating it to you all....then it'd be good to hear it...init! There have been 38 people hear/see it so far in this format! 16 of them are on this simple visual....all responded positively....including Mr Cowell and we're 'on it'!!!!x

Here it is...'Sugarcanerap'...based on a 1950's rare instrumental tune by Johnny & The Hurricanes....with a modern statement thrown in....Rock on....!x

Do you have a 'fans organisation/Trust' or something? I can sort it out with them from a legal perspective to get any dosh it generates sorted ok!x


...and if ure's one of the Northern sampled tracks....for you Soulies out there.......thanx for the memory's folks...X....but shuuuushhhh....Barny Branson will go laaaary if he knew...hehe!x

This one is dedicated to Cambridge Uniteds fans trust....called 'Competition Liquidated'.......the last Chairman heard it just before he resigned......job done........!X Based on the £1500 60's Northern Track by Timmie Williams called Competition...and Shirley Basseys little known 'Liquidator'....which was binned in favour of Diamonds are Forever back in '61....! There is a Plan B for this tune too..........cough.......!  See where me 'followers' come from?!!.....they never now what i'm gonna say....where and when! I like to let 'the people' know stuff first...... I like do they.....hope you all do too!x

I can be contacted on to discuss anything i've said above or direct on 07521042699! I will gladly do a 'party' to raise funds for a night out stuff....for the craic! I don't get out much these days to just play me music....and Boston has always hacked it!!! So go for for you....time out for me....we both need it!!x

Can you believe we is gonna get a 10,000 Community Stadium/concert venue.....together???...I found a new said....our future king and Queen need somewhere to party.........on it!!x

...oh...and if u can't be ars*d to read any of the probs....but don't invest time in moaning about adopted town...and 'family'...ok!....and u read it there!x
Hopefully...I think that covers me music involvement this way Kingofnaves!x Is Rupe your Bro in Law then?!x Say 'elo to them all for said....only happy memories of them all...X Would I let a 'rogue' Manager loose on old friends.....????...really???......get on with it.....X

...'ere....i'll have you know that all those flyers were made wiv letraset...scissors...sticky letters and pen...photocopied...cut out and everyfink....Rupe and all will tell yer...we all did it.....computers??...pah!! A poster asked how long it takes me to write me posts up....i;d spend 10 hours doing a flyer.....I spend 10 minutes here......both I considered sensible investments that pay benefit all....!x

....ahhh....and thanx to Customs and Excise for making this all possible.................!x