Author Topic: Dinner with the management  (Read 6819 times)


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Dinner with the management
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:29:28 PM »
On the eve of Boston United's first FA Cup game of the season why not join us in the Boardroom for a four course meal, and drinks with Joint Managers Jason Lee & Lee Cannoville and Chris Cook to chat about their FA Cup memories, hosted by Radio Lincolnshire's Scott Dalton.
Obviously places are limited to 10 people and the cost is £50 per person.
There is also the optional extra of VIP Matchday experience for the FA Cup match the following day v Kidsgrove Athletic being added for a total price of £65. Includes the Dinner, Match Ticket, Entrance to the Cropleys Lounge, Tea & Coffee, Matchday Programme, Man of the Match Presentation and Buffet.
To book your place contact Chris Cook on 01205 355 355 during office hours or by mobile on 07946 748 333 or by email on
Should anyone be interested in sponsoring the event, it is available for £200 including 2 places for the Friday night dinner.

Pete Brooksbank

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 07:43:05 AM »
FOUR courses? I thought Scott said he was on a diet?!


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 10:32:43 AM »
I wonder if the apostles were asked to contribute towards their last supper. (We don't have a good cup history)

Sussex Pilgrim

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 06:43:28 PM »
FOUR courses? I thought Scott said he was on a diet?!

He is :)


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 09:03:04 AM »
Unfortunately had to cancel this event due to lack of numbers.
Can you leave your thoughts please.
Was it of no interest? Was it too expensive? Was there not enough notice? ....was it a crap idea?
No offence taken with your answers, just helps to know what people want.


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 12:20:29 PM »
Chris,i don't think the idea was a bad one,just too expensive for the average fan given the economy.Perhaps it is better suited to "corperate" guests.Perhaps we need something aimed more affordably towards the average fan.On another point,it's a long time since we've had a fans forum.

Mickey Nuttells Hair

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 12:48:50 PM »
Disagree on the cost, given what the £65 option included it was decent value I'd say.

If it was a 'bigger' game it might draw more interest?  Personally I'm not going to be back to Boston on the Friday night before a game so it's a non-starter on that score for me.

Good idea though, if you don't try these things then you never know!


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 01:21:24 PM »
We have a fans forum pencilled in soon, just didn't want to put the managers under too much pressure with all the midweek games as well. Now they have died off I am sure we will have one as soon as the Chairman returns from holiday in a few weeks time.

The idea behind the Boardroom/Cropleys Lounge venue was that we were trying to use different locations other than The Pilgrim Lounge all the time as an experiment for future use. The Pilgrim Lounge is such a large venue to have a small dinner/meeting in and not many people get chance to go in the Boardroon or Cropleys Lounge, so it would be an opportunity for them to experience that.

Still interested in more comments/ideas though ...especially something different on the fundraising front.

We are planning another Sunday Stroll which was really nice a couple of summers ago. This year I thought we could start and finish at The Pilgrim Lounge ...perhaps a walk to Pilgrim Fathers Memorial and return to The Pilgrim Lounge for Mark's fantastic Sunday Carvery all included in the entry fee of £5 each, obviously it would be appreciated if participants could raise some money for The Save The Pilgrims Fund through sponsorship ...anyone interested ...probably in a month's time?


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 02:26:05 PM »
Chris I was very keen on the idea and I thought the package price was very reasonable until my wife pointed out we had another comittment.
Noticed the other day the Lincoln Santa run was launched are we doing it this year?
How about a group of four travelling to an away game on the team bus for £50 a head, would go some way to offsetting the cost and be a great experience.

Pete Brooksbank

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2011, 05:43:24 PM »
Disagree on the cost, given what the £65 option included it was decent value I'd say.

I think this might have been advertised slightly better, because I agree with Adam. £65 for for the VIP treatment AND the boardroom meal doesn't sound that bad. I wouldn't pay it, but that's because I'm always skint having spunked my cash on class A drugs, sports cars and picture messages of my naked torso that I send to Duncan Browne. But I appreciate I'm probably not the kind of person who this stuff is aimed at, I think there are plenty of other supporters out there who would take it up.

But it seems the main push was just the dinner - and £50 for dinner (and bear in mind this is more intimate than a sportsman's dinner, where you pay for the entertainment and the inevitable auction where you drunkenly blow £120 on a shirt signed by the 1995/1996 Sheffield Wednesday squad) sounds like a lot of cash, particularly in the current climate. That'd get you a meal at some upmarket restaurant like World Service in Notts. And that's before you consider that, even before you've tucked into your third course, Dalton would be helping himself to your roasties having polished off Jason's while he was out having a wazz.

I think it's a decent idea though and no-one going to criticise the club for being creative trying out these things, even if they do end up getting cancelled due to lack of interest. I think maybe the bundle of the dinner and the VIP match stuff would have been the way to go. And maybe a foot massage from Neil Kempster chucked in.

Sussex Pilgrim

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 07:10:28 PM »
I thought it was a good idea and had there been more notice would have been interested but now have prior committments.


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 08:07:36 PM »
I'll have a word with Neil about the foot massage!
Pete I think we ought to bring a fanzine back to the terraces are you fixed?
The dinner did include drinks and if a drinker had 6 pints in 3 hours there is £18.00, as mentioned before the idea of the event was to raise money for the club, we honestly need more money to keep the club going and all ideas are considered.
Craig does a fantastic job commercially but it is then up to others to chip in with ideas to bring extra in. We try not to hit the same people all of the time but often they are the ones that turn up to most events ...and probably can afford to. I thought the sponsoring of the pitch was great idea by Craig and brought in over £1,000 in just over a week.
Something unusual would be great but we've tried most things and it is so disappointing when events become a no-goer ...but I suppose the state of the economy doesn't help.
Events in the club are well attended but once again by usually the same people ...and not many of them are actual Pilgrims supporters! It would be nice to see a few more recognised faces in there but I understand how difficult it is for everyone.
oxo, unfortunately places on the bus are a no-no really because there are no spare places available, the lads often like a double seat to themselves and the four tables take up a lot of room but make it a lot more sociable.
Keep your thoughts coming!


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 08:50:36 PM »
I'm sorry I can't come up with a new idea but I just wonderedif it's time to push the fireworks night, assuming there is going to be one. They are great value and I can only see it getting bigger, in fact I think it may well outgrow the stadium.


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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2011, 07:05:57 AM »
If there's another Sunday stroll I'll be up for that, however if I'm getting sponsorship I'm afraid it'll be for the British Heart Foundation, Not BUFC..........sorry but thats how it is, people will be happy to give for a charity but not the football club, thats the legacy of a few years ago.

I thought it was a good idea but too short notice, how about getting some big name legends (Tex, John McKenna, Dave Adamson, Billy Howells Steve Evans, Howard Wilko, Jim Smith etc) down on a Friday towards the seasons end and doing a meal and Q&A, that would get some interest.......

I'm off to Sheff Utd in a few weeks, if I get any idea's out of their programme I'll let you know but I bet Chalker picks Rooker's brains on a regular basis.

Bring back female mud wrestling in the PL........... :D

The Big M

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Re: Dinner with the management
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2011, 11:50:28 AM »
I would love to be able to help out more but i can hardly afford to attend matches. Thats not a criticism of the clubs pricing. Maybe there are others who are in the same position as me.