Author Topic: Tonight's game  (Read 14127 times)


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2011, 09:53:31 PM »
Dead right Andy, We are supporters and are entitled to our point of view. In my opinion money has been wasted with certain signings, We desperately need a central defender with a bit of pace and a goal scorer. Sorry but I feel our managers have let us down by signing players that clearly are not good enough even at this level.
Make no mistake I will be at Harrogate on Saturday supporting whoever is playing for us and I will be doing every thing I can to ensure that our great club moves forward.


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2011, 09:59:55 PM »
Was the fitness coach there tonight? Craig didn't answer my question! We slagged the former owners for wasting money on luxuries!!!!


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2011, 10:01:28 PM »
Regarding  SWD He has been at Telford all week and is looking for a contract with them, forget about him.


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2011, 10:06:33 PM »
absolute joke, the players dont even look interested! After saturday they should be out looking to impress but nothing from them. Mickey stones was the worst man on the pitch by a long way and we need someone to score 2 goals a game cause we are never gunna keep a clean sheet. There will be even less people there next home game!


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2011, 10:11:02 PM »
Mickey Stones could get in Sleafords first team! The club is heading back to the TT days!

green hats mate

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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2011, 10:21:31 PM »
Don,t think these managers could make as good a hot-dog as TT. !!!!

Mickey Nuttells Hair

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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2011, 10:21:54 PM »
On a positive (you know, come on its not that long since there has been one!) Scott Dalton (@scottydalton) has just tweeted that Suarez, Wilkinson, Sleath and possibly Dudfield will be available for Saturday.

Add those lot into the starting line up and I'd say its a big step forward - plus if Semple can get himself right thats another step in the right direction.

Not happy clapping, just looking at some realistic positive things for the game(s) ahead.


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2011, 10:24:06 PM »
But did Scott Dalton confirm the fitness coach will be available?


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2011, 10:25:44 PM »
Just had a look at the table after tonights results. Were 3 points off the play offs.
Glass half full or half empty?:)?
.I'll just sit here and clap happily:)


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2011, 10:27:45 PM »
You sound like Hortin!


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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2011, 10:56:24 PM »
i think your very dissilusioned if your looking up the table and not down!

Tipps End Pilgrim

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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2011, 10:59:09 PM »
Oxo - you know very little about actually playing football. Wait until we are at least ten games in before making comments like that.



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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2011, 10:59:36 PM »
On a positive (you know, come on its not that long since there has been one!) Sony Award™ winning BBC broadcaster Scott Dalton (@scottydalton) has just tweeted that Suarez, Wilkinson, Sleath and possibly Dudfield will be available for Saturday.

Add those lot into the starting line up and I'd say its a big step forward - plus if Semple can get himself right thats another step in the right direction.

Not happy clapping, just looking at some realistic positive things for the game(s) ahead.

Nope, I'd say thats a big positive Adam.

And you're no happy clapper mate..... ;)

Carl Newell

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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2011, 11:07:55 PM »
Just as fed up as many others but hopefully come Sat things will change. Sleath will provide alot of what we have been missing in terms of energy and quality. Dudfield has done well when he has played and is expected to play again Sat and with others back we wont have a bench that isn't the Lincs league lads. Austin is a major problem and cannot be trusted, too old, too slow and awful distribution. Parker is probably a level above himself and at best a useful squad player at this level. £20 bet on offer that JJ has left before Christmas. Hopefully Cannovile will be fit again very soon and plays himself at centre half as he is the best we have at the moment. Sleath, Wilkinson and Dudfield in for Hall, Millson and Stones which would at least leave us with Suarez, Semple, Millson, Ward and Hall as subs which improves our ability to change things if players aren't performing. Hopefully Thursdays trainning session is a productive one!

Burton Pilgrim

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Re: Tonight's game
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2011, 11:15:40 PM »
absolute joke, the players dont even look interested! After saturday they should be out looking to impress but nothing from them. Mickey stones was the worst man on the pitch by a long way and we need someone to score 2 goals a game cause we are never gunna keep a clean sheet. There will be even less people there next home game!
You were clearly watching a different game to me.  
It was two poor teams, but better than Saturday.
We played with 10 men for an hour because Holsgrove did nothing - he gave the ball away on the edge of the box for the first goal and I can't remember him having another touch.
Despite that we had more than enough chances to get something from the game - Newey should have done better early on, we had another goalmouth scramble where we couldn't force the ball in, and Micky Stones could have had 2 or 3 goals on another day.  Stones had one disallowed, a volley just over (when the ball wouldn't come down for him), one headed off the line and forced the keeper to make a couple of decent saves.
He also spent the first hour chasing aimless long balls - he often had to run 20-30 yards to get on the end of them and virtually always got there - he didn't win a lot in the air but he was up against an experienced defender.  Don't forget it was only his second game, a big step up from Lincs League, and he didn't stop trying even when clearly knackered - we couldn't take him off as no one else to come on.  In his first game he scored one, had two disallowed and could have had a couple more.  How many of our other strikers have been that involved in games lately?
The abuse Stones was getting from one or two individuals was disgraceful - how is giving players abuse supposed to help the team?  Lay off or stay away - I know we need as many people through the gate as possible but not if they are going to undermine the players.  
Several players looked tired from early on - might some (Holsgrove? Milnes?) be carrying knocks but forced to play because we are so short of numbers?
We can't judge this team until we get some of the first choice players back, but we desperately need to do something about the defence - if it means extra bodies in midfield to help (4-5-1?), so be it, but the back 4 was dreadfully exposed again.  Austin was poor again - kept letting his man get the ball the fouling him - but doesn't help that he and Parker are exposed time and again.
Don't expect instant miracles from Sleath - he'll need time to recover from playing on the other side of the world.