Author Topic: CHURCHY.............  (Read 12348 times)


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Re: CHURCHY.............
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2011, 10:06:42 PM »
There will be people who say they are wrong to leave, call them Judas, say they conned the club and the fans.

The term Judas surely doesn't apply to any player who takes up an opportunity to progress to a higher-level? Surely it only applies to those players who jump ships to a comparable or lesser club but for solely financial reasons. Those players clearly aren't in the game to try and better themselves.

Good luck to Shaun Pearson and Anthony Church. Hope they are welcomed back to Boston as legends one day. Jamie Yates, on the other hand .....

The 'legends' thing is all a bit of a gimmick though isn't it.......I mean probably 8 out of every 10 were decent lads but never legends and lets be honest here none of the current crop can be classed as legends after 2 seasons!

Legends wear the shirt for 4 or 5 plus seasons like Tex Hardy, John McKenna, Cookie, Baz and re,ain fans favourites long after they've left the club.

Really they ought to rename the slot Pilgrims Personalities.....

And you're right LP, if Yeates ever gets asked back as a legend we may as well start taking random blokes off the Townend and parade them as legends!

leicester pilgrim

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Re: CHURCHY.............
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2011, 12:51:49 PM »

The 'legends' thing is all a bit of a gimmick though isn't it.......I mean probably 8 out of every 10 were decent lads but never legends and lets be honest here none of the current crop can be classed as legends after 2 seasons!

Legends wear the shirt for 4 or 5 plus seasons like Tex Hardy, John McKenna, Cookie, Baz and re,ain fans favourites long after they've left the club.

Really they ought to rename the slot Pilgrims Personalities.....

And you're right LP, if Yeates ever gets asked back as a legend we may as well start taking random blokes off the Townend and parade them as legends!

Not sure that legend status is necessarily linked to length of service. True, if you've stayed with the club for a long period of time then you're more likely to be remembered, but equally lots of players have made a positive contribution over a shorter period of time. Players who have been leading goalscorers, player-of-the-year, or been part of a Championship winning squad should always be welcomed back - even if they were only with the club for one or two seasons. Shaun Pearson deserves to be invited back at some stage as a half-time legend on the basis of being the only player to defend a player-of-the-year award. Additionally, who was the last defender to reach double figures in a season for goals scored (one for Ken?)? Church equally would receive a good reception from fans looking back on two years of commitment and effort with the highlight for him being a memorable Sunday afternoon in Bradford.

Admittedly a minority of the players who have come back have stretched the term "legend" to the very limit. David Cutts (10-appearances in 1994) springs to mind. The only thing I can remember about his playing days was when he got sent off in an FA Cup horror defeat at Heybridge Swifts. At least I think it was him. I'm sure I'll be corrected if it wasn't. The bulk of the players who have come back though have been well thought off and welcome additions to the half-time schedule. Keep 'em coming throughout 2011-12!

Burton Pilgrim

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Re: CHURCHY.............
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2011, 01:29:36 PM »
You're right - it was Cutts who was sent off at Heybridge, and that's the only thing anyone can remember about him.  I think he was one of the early 'legends' and I can only assume he was a last minute replacement because a real legend couldn't make it!
It'd be nice to see a few of the Wembley team as legends - Brian Thomson, Dave Gilbert, Bob Lee, Ged Creane etc. 

John C

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Re: CHURCHY.............
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2011, 07:30:42 PM »
I don't go to that many home games so I could easily ahve missed them, but have we had either Neil Redfearn or Neil Thompson?

leicester pilgrim

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Re: CHURCHY.............
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2011, 08:22:50 PM »
I don't go to that many home games so I could easily ahve missed them, but have we had either Neil Redfearn or Neil Thompson?

No. I think Thommo was set to come but had to pull out because of other commitments. Both would be popular choices.

The full list of players we have had is: