Author Topic: Directors comments last night?  (Read 17283 times)


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Directors comments last night?
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:00:25 AM »
I was stunned hearing Chris Cook on the commentry last night. He may be a record goal scorer and all round hero to the club, but to actually say that after the goal that Guiseley scored that boston should calm down and settle down, and take the 1 nil.

WTF? This is a director of the club, who advocates his own club losing in a end of season play off game!!!!

I dont have a football bone in my body, i have never played competively, never been a groundsman nor have i been all time record goal scorer, but at no point can i imagine a situation where i would actually encurage my team to lose.

I think that it was about the most stupid thing i have ever heard in relation to a football match.

What will cookies comments be if we go one down on sunday? Dont worry lads, theres always next year...


« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 12:53:57 PM by dazzybabie »


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 09:09:08 AM »
I was stunned hearing Chris Cook on the commentry last night. He may be a record goal scorer and all round hero to the club, but to actually say that after the goal that Guiseley scored that boston should calm down and settle down, and take the 1 nil.

WTF? This is a director of the club, who advocates his own club losing in a end of season play off game!!!!

I dont have a football bone in my body, i have never played competively, never been a groundsman nor have i been all time record goal scorer, but at no point can i imagine a situation where i would actually encurage my team to lose.

I think that it was about the most stupid thing i have ever heard in relation to a football match.

What will cookies comments be if we go one down on sunday? Dont worry lads, theres always next year...



In Chris's defence I would say at that time we looked like we could concede every time they attacked so I think he might have meant damage limitation and go again on Sunday. I didn't hear the commentary I was at the match but I would guess that is what he meant.

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 09:14:50 AM »
Sounds like an over reaction by you!! To me sounds like he was saying for us not to go all out for an equalizer and leave ourselves exposed to concede another!! Which to be honest could have easily happened!! To turn round a 1-0 deficit is achievable more than that would have been a very big ask!


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 09:20:06 AM »
Cheers Dazzybabe, my comment was to calm down and not concede a second goal which would have given us an even bigger hill to climb on Sunday. We were under the cosh big time and I just wanted my team to calm down. It is only half time, but I have every confidence in the lads that they can turn it round.

At the end of the day it is all about personal opinions, I have mine and you have yours. As for me wanting the club to lose ...are you joking or what, I want this club to be where they belong and I work hard voluntarily to try and help achieve that.

I don't profess to being a professional commentator and do it voluntarily but as not to bring myself or the club into repute I will step down from doing it. Obviously I don't know a great deal about football so I am better off keeping my mouth shut!

Dave H

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 09:22:40 AM »
At one point during the second half they had chances to get a second so his comments were relevant.
Disgraceful Director? No,a director that just won an award for the amount of free hours and hard work he gives to the club.


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2011, 09:31:30 AM »
Cookie.   This prat wasn't even there!!!!!!!!!!

If he knew anything about football ( which he says he doesn't) then he needs to keep his mouth shut.

How he has the cheek to come on here and say that, amazes me, and I am sure many others who follow United and football generally.

We had a bad spell in the second half when they really gave it there all, and I totally agree that it was necessary to contain them.  It is still only halftime in a match of 180 minutes.

To even suggest that you are disgraceful director is almost blasphemous considering what you do for the club for no reward and I ask you to reconsider your decision.

Obviously he is a man of little knowledge (if any) and not someone to be taken seriously.

The man is a joke!!!!!!!!

Carl Newell

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2011, 09:31:58 AM »
Chris Cook symbolises everything that is good about Boston United and I was also happy to bring them back to YS with only a goal in it. At 0-1 Guiseley looked the more likely side to score and were also getting every decision their way from the officials. Carry on the fantastic work you are doing for the club Chris.

Ken Fox

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 09:34:07 AM »
He still hasn't sorted out that tie though!  ;D


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2011, 09:45:53 AM »
I knew exactly where you were coming from cookie, it sounded to me as if we could have easily conceded another last night.

That would effectivley been game over!

I would rather have a 1-0 deficit than 2-0.

This tie is still most definatley winnable, we need to be looking at Sunday now.

Come on pilgrims!!
A moaney clapper!......... best of both worlds


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2011, 09:50:06 AM »
Dazzie,please engage your brain before approaching your keyboard in the future.At that point in the game we were 1-0 down,being pinned back ,and looked like we could conceed again.As someone has pointed out it's called damage limitation.What did you want?for us to go at it "gung-ho" and conceed a second and perhaps a third and render the second leg an impossiblity?Keep up the good work Cookie,we all know and appreciate what you do for Boston United Football Club.See you all Sunday,and lets make some NOISE.


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2011, 09:56:48 AM »

I think that it was about the most stupid thing i have ever heard in relation to a football match.

This post is so ironic it should be in an Alanis Morissette song. Dazzy are you actually a baby?

Pete Brooksbank

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2011, 09:59:22 AM »
I think you owe Chris Cook an apology for that post, Dazzy.


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2011, 10:12:26 AM »
dear god, if you went to the game you would know we were struggling against them. they were coming at us from all angles. 1-0 loss is better than a 2-0 loss which it possibly could be. the first half we should have taken our chances and i'm sure guiseley would have tried to defend more if they went 1-0 down. dazzy if you didnt go to the game you dont really know how we played. the second half wasnt the best but its only a 1-0 loss and alls to play for

now wheres cookies apology?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 10:25:32 AM by shorty2kuk »


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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2011, 10:13:47 AM »
Totally agree about an apology.

This is probably the most disgraceful post EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

faraway pilgrim

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Re: Disgraceful Director?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2011, 10:29:41 AM »
Cookie, should be water off a ducks back to you mate. You must of took some abuse from opposing fans whilst banging in 180 odd goals for this great club. Dont give up the commentary bit and you deserved your award for your mostly unseen work at the club. keep it up mate.
 It seemed quite obvious to me that churchy was struggling with some sort of injury in the second half, after a first half when him and sleathy were excellent. Either he should of been subbed so clarke moved into the middle and cully at r/back. Other than that  clarke moved into the middle to make three with a forward being subbed in both cases. Hindsights a wonderful thing but this semi-finals not over. This group of players dont give up, remember that. Niggling injuries may cost us but these players will go through the pain barrier for this club thats for sure.