Author Topic: Townenders  (Read 5276 times)

Old yellow

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« on: January 26, 2011, 08:27:49 AM »
Despite what can only be described as an under par Boston performance,credit must go from this old, moaning git in the fantasy island stand to the fantastic support given by the majority of the townend.

The fact remains that our expectations have been raised by the management skills of scott & hurst and the brilliant start we made at the begining of the season.

We have had an enforced break and an involuntary one when we were looking for fixtures and nobody wanted to play us,we have injuries galore and a scratch team
getting the right results,we have a team who needs our support more than ever.

Yes we all pay to watch the games and have a right to moan and expect great things
but first of all we need to show we are fully behind the club and get those attendances up and watch our team improve over the coming weeks.

The Big M

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 08:33:06 AM »
I was stood the other side in spayne road and i really dont no why some people bother coming some were shouting get him off to jelleyman after two mins. Its just stupid

Wembley 85

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2011, 08:36:21 AM »
I thought that Jelleyman was our best player by a mile last night, in a truly woeful team performance.

The Big M

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 08:43:35 AM »
Thats what i thought they was on his case all night and semple who i thought was our main attcking threat in the first half

Old yellow

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 08:57:29 AM »
An ex player who was speaking to someone close to the club said the players were always nervous about playing at home because of the abuse and expectations of the fans, perhaps we should have a running track round the ground then we might get the best out of our players and appreciate them more.Both past and present apparently,although this came second hand.


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Re: Townenders
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 09:51:00 AM »
The problem is when we pay our entrance fee some people think that gives them the right to verbally abuse the players and managers at every opportunity, it doesn’t. Yes have a moan with your mates at half time or on the way home but not during the game. If these so called supporters turned up at their place of work and had an off day what would be their reaction if a couple of hundred of their customers  turned up and gave them some verbal abuse? If you don’t like what you see stop at home and watch the over paid, over hyped premier lge. There was a guy in the Townend last night who if he carries on like he did last night will put his health at serious risk his blood pressure must have been through the roof. People need to get real and put a different perspective on things when they go and watch lower lge football. Players and managers at this level are holding down a job during the week and playing semi pro football, some people need to realise this before they go off on one. What the Chestnuts have done off the field for this club is immeasurable what the two Managers have done on it is measureable and we should be bloody thankful.

Pride of Bostonshire

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 12:33:09 PM »
The problem is when we pay our entrance fee some people think that gives them the right to verbally abuse the players and managers at every opportunity, it doesn’t.

I disagree. I think people have every right to complain.  I don't think they should and I think it's a culture that needs to change but happily we live in a country where people are (supposedly) free to say what they feel.  With that power comes the responsibility to use it in the right way.

If I put in a truly shocking performance at work I'd expect to be chastised by the people who pay my wages.  In this case the wages are ultimately paid by the fans and the fans have a right to have a go.  They do need to realise what having a go does to the players morale and form but that is a different issue.


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Re: Townenders
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2011, 01:11:58 PM »
The problem is when we pay our entrance fee some people think that gives them the right to verbally abuse the players and managers at every opportunity, it doesn’t.

I disagree. I think people have every right to complain.  I don't think they should and I think it's a culture that needs to change but happily we live in a country where people are (supposedly) free to say what they feel.  With that power comes the responsibility to use it in the right way.

If I put in a truly shocking performance at work I'd expect to be chastised by the people who pay my wages.  In this case the wages are ultimately paid by the fans and the fans have a right to have a go.  They do need to realise what having a go does to the players morale and form but that is a different issue.

The people that pay the wages are the Chestnuts. The people that pay my wages are my employers. We are customers at a football match which is why I made the comparison. I am sure that after a game the Chairman pops in the dressing room or the bar and as a word. In your senario if you worked for Tesco you would be happy for all the shoppers to wait outside for you and give you some verbal abuse. I think not. And as far as I am aware it is illegal to swear and verbally abuse someone in public.


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Re: Townenders
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2011, 02:21:14 PM »
The problem is when we pay our entrance fee some people think that gives them the right to verbally abuse the players and managers at every opportunity, it doesn’t.

I disagree. I think people have every right to complain.  I don't think they should and I think it's a culture that needs to change but happily we live in a country where people are (supposedly) free to say what they feel.  With that power comes the responsibility to use it in the right way.

If I put in a truly shocking performance at work I'd expect to be chastised by the people who pay my wages.  In this case the wages are ultimately paid by the fans and the fans have a right to have a go.  They do need to realise what having a go does to the players morale and form but that is a different issue.
PoB-if you did put in a truly shocking performance at work then your employers might well "chastise"you.However,i expect you,like anyone in that situation,would wish to be treated with some respect.I would imagine a good employer would explain,in private,what you had done wrong,why it was wrong and what was expected of you in the future.You would not expect to be called F*cking rubbish by random members of the public,in public.

Bob Lee

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2011, 02:50:48 PM »
You will never change em I'm afraid.  We Bostonians have always been the same.

green hats mate

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2011, 03:46:39 PM »
OCM  and Bob Lee have summed it up nicely .

Pride of Bostonshire

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2011, 11:15:53 PM »
Of course the players want to be treated with respect, just as anyone would.  Respect has to be earned though.  I think we can all agree that fans shouldn't be voicing their opinion of a players quality while the game is going on, but I think it's unrealistic to expect fans not to.  I also don't think we can stop anyone from doing it.

As for your example with Tesco, Tash, it doesn't really work does it?  If you are unhappy with your superstore you go to a different one.  Tesco isn't reliant on keeping a few hundred people happy.  Football is a much more captive audience situation.  It's more like people protesting against politics they don't like because they don't have the option to go anywhere else.   This is why we get protests against destructive chairmen.  As for the swearing being illegal I think you are right, I think it is illegal to be abusive at the least, but I don't think it's really enforced.

OCM, the players are there representing the club to the public, if people want to complain about them then I don't see who we are to stop them.  If my job was to represent a group of people who are funding my boss and I did it badly I would expect to be told so by the group of people whom I am representing.

green hats mate

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2011, 04:05:01 PM »
I cannot recall a more genuine bunch of players and managers that we have at the moment ,  this in 65 years of following the pilgrims .   Sadly we can all have an off-day now and again however hard we try.  Or don,t some of the posters on here .?    Just like to add one word to make the game more enjoyable for us all  ,   tolerance.

Swineshead Pilgrim

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Re: Townenders
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2011, 05:02:34 PM »
Just like to credit the townenders for providing my highlight of Tuesday night (other than the goal obviously). When the ball went in and the cheering had subsided, it wasn't long before they were chanting "you're not singing any more" to a non-existant Redditch support. Cracked me up.