Author Topic: Changed Team vs Worcester?  (Read 14142 times)

Ken Fox

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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2010, 11:32:07 PM »
Final set of pics.

father Ted

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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2010, 11:54:43 AM »
m m bring back 'The Crane '


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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2010, 06:23:01 PM »
Yes Danks could have been sent off, but the ref was obviously trying to keep 22 players on the pitch, and apart from that I thought honestly had a reasonable game. I felt Butcher was partialy to blame for all the goals, first one, if he had been on his line and not several feet in front of it he could have got a hand to it, second went through him, and third again if he is on the line he might have caught it as it came back across fronm the post. Also wish he would not wander half way down the pitch when the ball is over the half way line.
The rest of them just had an off day in the first half, lumping the ball in the air and mostly loosing out.
After the break without Davidson and no arial target we kept the ball on the floor more and started to play football.
Davies and Cullingworth did not excel but the were not particularly to blame for the first two goals, and neither were on the pitch for the third. A two down they needed to be changed to try and get something back, which was achieved, and Wier Daley could have won it for us.
Hopefully we can get a sub Goalkeeper, who is a seasoned pro and happy to sit on the bench every week, rather than a young gun who is desperate to play every week.

John C

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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2010, 01:51:05 PM »
I agree with LCB - my experience of marking a big lad at centre forward is that it's hard work, all that bumping and bruising you get (and give out to be fair). I'm sure this wears the defenders out and helps the team as a whole and so I'd always have a big lad up front if possible...


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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2010, 03:09:27 PM »
IF we had won,we would have been away to Corby.That's the only consolation i can think of for going least we don't have to go there again................

leicester pilgrim

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Re: Changed Team vs Worcester?
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2010, 10:01:15 AM »
Oh, and if Butcher is going to keep goal again would someone be kind enough to let me know beforehand and I'll make alternative arrangements.......he's a liability, Spalding Utd on loan should be his next move after that 'performance'.

Smashing local lad but after2 or 3 years of willing him to make the grade im just not sure he ever will!

With all due respect, I disagree with some of the negative comments that have been posted about Aaron Butcher.

For one thing, goalkeepers at their best at a much older age than those in front of them. Off the top of my head I think of people like Peter Shilton, John Burridge, David James, Tony Roberts, Bazza and Kevin Poole. Whilst younger than these guys, even Tom Evans was substantially older than the rest of our promotion winning squad last season.

Sometimes it seems like Butcher has been at Boston for ever, because he made his debut so young. But I think I'm right in saying he is still a teenager. And whilst he isn't the finished article yet and I'm not suggesting we drop McKeown, Butcher still has time on his side to fulfill the potential. With proper coaching, the right attitude, encouragement (instead of criticism) and a bit of luck, he can have a bigger part to play in Boston's future than any ex-League goalkeeper on the way down.

I think the criticism coming out of Saturday is unjustified. The first and third goals were straight into the top corner; Peter Cech would have struggled to save them. And whilst he perhaps should have done better with the second one, nobody seems to have mentioned the fact that the ball took a deflection. Also when called upon last season (e.g. vs Retford in the League Cup Final) you have to say he didn't let us down.

How old was Bazza when he first signed for Boston? In his first season at the club under Peter Morris we were relegated from the Conference, and at that time I genuinely did not rate our new keeper. At that time I didn't think he was fit to lace the boots of his predecessor John McKenna. But over the course of 600-odd games I changed my mind.