Author Topic: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves  (Read 6816 times)


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Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« on: April 12, 2012, 05:43:11 PM »

York Street Pilgrim

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 05:50:59 PM »






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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 07:13:17 PM »
So it looks as though the orrible little p*ss artist may be visiting us to assess the talent at our club. If he does I hope he brings the two fat ugly ba....ds to watch his back, as their employer as I understand it is in prison.
Looking forward very much to seeing the despicable cheat get his first Yorkshire kiss, maybe someone would like to offer a reward to the first Rotherham fan.


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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 10:44:06 AM »
Hope Rotherham advertised the vacancy!

Scouse Pilgrim

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2012, 12:10:03 PM »
Just as a nice reminder of the Chief Scout.....

Fans' forum goes as smoothly as expected

Gee Evans - a director of the Pilgrims' owners, Lavaflow, and brother of manager Steve - and club sponsor Michael Chinn had to be restrained by chairman Jim Rodwell after confronting Melvin Moxon, vice-chairman of Boston United Supporters' Trust.

The incident occurred after Steve Evans was asked to clarify his financial interest in the club and its holding company, Lavaflow.

The Pilgrims boss denied he had invested in either, but revealed he had re-mortgaged his house in August 2005 to help pay the players' wages. Evans is believed to have lent the club between £150,000 and £200,000.

A disagreement then took place between the pair about a previous meeting, held earlier this month, before Gee Evans and Chinn vented their fury at the Trust and Moxon, who was seated with his 14-year-old grandson.

Chinn was heard to shout: "I'm sick of this club. I've invested a quarter of million of my money and get nothing but stick for it.

"If you lot (the Trust) think you can do any better, I'll buy the club for you."

After being asked to calm down by Rodwell and Steve Evans, the former finally defused the situation by ushering Gee Evans and Chinn out of the Sports Bar, where the forum was being held.

Moxon described the scenes as 'disgraceful' and said it would damage the club's already tarnished reputation.

"There were parents there with children - what kind of example is that to set for two of the club's main investors to act like that," said Moxon.

"I don't understand why it got out of hand. The evening was very cordial up until that point.

"The question I asked Steve was very reasonable. All he had to do was explain about re-mortgaging his house and that would have sufficed - but instead it turned personal.

"I wasn't worried for myself - I've worked in the prison service for 30 years - but for my grandson, who witnessed the whole thing.

"We go to every match home and away, but after seeing that he's wondering whether he wants to go again - other young people who were there might feel the same after watching that."

Either side of the explosive scenes, supporters pitched questions to Steve Evans, Rodwell and club accountant Justin Rushworth.

Most revolved around the planning application for a new stadium in the Boardsides area of the town and the club's perilous financial situation.

On behalf of the Supporters' Trust, Moxon asked a series of questions which had been sent to Rodwell earlier in the week.

"Although I wasn't totally satisfied with all the answers I got, I thought Jim Rodwell did a very good job at the forum," added Moxon.

"He tried to answer everything we put to him and he deserves credit for that.

"However, there are a number of key issues that we remain in the dark over.

"We still don't know whether Lavaflow will continue to support the club if the planning decision is deferred.

"I don't know about the time scale, but it may be some time before the decision is taken again.

"Will Lavaflow continue to support the club during that time?

"We weren't really given assurances that the club will be able to complete its fixtures."

In a shock turn of events, Gee Evans joined the Supports' Trust later on Wednesday evening.

He also apologised to Moxon for his outburst. Despite the earlier confrontation, Moxon welcomed the news.

"We're a democratic organisation and we'd welcome anyone who can make a contribution," he declared.

"If Gee Evans has joined the Trust, that is encouraging."

Gee Evans is the first member of Lavaflow to join the Trust, and Moxon hopes more follow his lead.

"We would also be happy for the manager and chairman to come on board," added the 61-year-old.

Rodwell said he was looking forward to working with the Trust in future and also apologised to Moxon.

"I spoke to Melvin yesterday and offered my apologies on behalf of the club," said the Pilgrims chairman. "I know Gee has offered his apologies too and sent a private letter to Melvin.

"It was a unsavoury incident which overshadowed what was otherwise a very positive evening.

"There were some excellent questions and I felt we answered them in the best way we could.

"Gee joining the Trust is positive step and I see no reason why the manager and myself couldn't join in the future.

"But the first thing we must do is to build up dialogue between ourselves and the Trust.

"I must admit I don't know a lot about it, or what they can offer, but I'm looking forward to forging a closer relationship with them.

"My door is always open.

"That goes for the Trust or anyone else who has the club's best interests at heart."
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dubai camel

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2012, 01:19:41 PM »
Obviously no surprise, but what a thoroughly unpleasant person.

I see from their forum, opinion is already divided over the new Evans era they are about to embark on.

Lord Cutler Knobhead

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2012, 07:30:04 PM »
I disliked Robwell for being a puppet, I disliked Evans for taking me for a mug and trusting him that the wrong doing was a one off and I couldn't abide Gee,  I've no idea what he did in his time at the club, no idea why he would 'invest' while taking a wage and couldn't understand a word he said.

Anyone can find players a club could not afford and then have the manager put them on a big wedge to get them there.
So many people have come and gone, their faces fade as the years go by.
Yet I still recall as I wander on, as clear as the sun in the summer sky.


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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2012, 08:43:17 PM »
The lovely lad didn't invest. He merely 'persuaded' his mother-in-law to part with her money on the back of amazing promises of fantastic returns for doing f-all.

And that is what happened...... f-all.

It's easy when it isn't your money.

I also can't remember seeing the Evans names on the list of creditors at the death. So what happened to the money that our 'dear fat leader' is supposed to have put in to the club?


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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2012, 11:13:38 PM »
Thank you for your post that gives a fair report of what happened that night although it was here say from you, as you did not attend,and although the questions I asked were yours ( which I agree needed to be asked and I was happy to do so )
Yes, I hate all those who were running the club at that time and I wish them nothing but ill will, but I have now moved on and hope that everyone else who loves BUFC will do the same.
I have nothing but praise and gratitude to David Newton and Neil Kempster for the way they are moving our club forward, Yes I will continue to give my opinions to them as they are always available to speak to fans both at home and away matches ( supporters please take note )
It has been a poor season results wise, but I ask everyone to back the club for I am convinced that in the next few years we will see Boston United return to those heady days, but this time in a way we can all celebrate without any fear of recrimination.
I know you will reply to this with your usual vitriol, but come on Mark life is too short.   

dubai camel

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2012, 06:43:08 AM »
I think on the whole the fans have backed the club. To be getting the attendances we have this season has surprised me, as we have never threatened to a serious play-off contender.

Sponsor uptake is generally very good for town of its size and in the current economic climate.

I do not think any fan underestimates the financial/logistical/moral support that Newton and Kempster have given to our club, but if the fare served up is tosh then fans will vote with their feet.

Scouse Pilgrim

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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2012, 11:00:37 AM »
Thank you for your post that gives a fair report of what happened that night although it was here say from you, as you did not attend,and although the questions I asked were yours ( which I agree needed to be asked and I was happy to do so )
I know you will reply to this with your usual vitriol, but come on Mark life is too short.

wrong again Mr Oxo. xx
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Re: Rotherham's cheif scout leaves
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2012, 08:44:31 PM »
Good to see the "fat man " lose today!