Author Topic: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube  (Read 4506 times)


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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2017, 06:41:24 PM »
Good point away and another clean sheet.  Well done!
United we stand..................

tom and jerry

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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2017, 07:44:02 PM »
just 2 conceded in 6 games. could have won it at the end but a draw was fair. we were well drilled throughout. murray sure knows how to coach a defensive shape

very solid foundation to build on. back 5 really put a shift in for each other as do the rest of the side. brackley never really looked like scoring. ross made a good reflex save from an effort that deflected off browny and tipped a free kick over but other then that they created very little and we ran the clock down professionally

well done to all involved. nice people at brackley. good atmosphere too to say there were only 300 odd there. good playing surface helped us too

on ward and upward


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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2017, 08:22:32 PM »
After a very dull and boring first half we looked like a different team in the second half and could have nicked it but for three great saves by their keeper. I have to say that I hope certain players are just being given their last chance to prove themselves because the odd one who seems to get picked pretty regularly is clearly not good enough and I don't think I need to name him. I do feel there is the basis of a good squad and I am looking forward to next season.

Winging It

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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2017, 08:49:19 PM »
A draw there was good, although...and i will say although,  while we have certainly tightened things up at the back we are still not scoring many and to make the top half a dozen next season, that has to be a major worry. I am pleased that we don't look like conceding many, but the flip side is that we don't seem to be playing the flowing football on the ground these days so are we all willing to be accepting of 'hoof ball' and low score draws or winning / losing by the odd goal ? Sometimes you have to win ugly, that is true. But given our history of good passing football on the ground and down the wings, is this our way forward to success ?
Just thought i'd throw those questions into the mix, don't get me wrong, i accept we have to play this way sometimes to get results but Mansfield fans did warn us what to expect. Lets hope the close season see's us sign some good proven goalscorers and a playmaker. Onwards, and hopefully upwards !


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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2017, 09:33:50 PM »
A turgid game for the most part. They had the best of the first hour or so but we could easily have pinched it at the end but really, neither really did enough to win it.
Good to carry on the solid defensive displays and hopefully in the summer AM is able to add a bit more creativity.

Champs next year

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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2017, 09:46:15 PM »
"....But Mansfield fans did warn us what to expect"

The 3 Mansfield fans i spoke to at the Alfreton game said Murray would take us up next season!

A very tight game today. We were better side second half. Got the ball down & passed it around well. Their keeper made 4 big saves; the 2 in the last few minutes were excellent! They missed a couple of decent chances too. Tom Batch was outstanding today, again we were organised & committed.

tom and jerry

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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2017, 09:54:26 AM »
i don't think we need a lot more defensively. depends a) if we can keep robbo and b) if nat gets a new deal. but in the rest oftem (batch kalern ross jan gordy etc) we have a defensive unit that is improving all the time

none of the above players are currently contracted to us for next season though I don't think so that will depend on AM's decisions i guess

a 20 goal forward, a proper number 10 and a schemer who can pick a pass are my priorities. but they are the players that cost the most so some wheeling and dealing is needed. who would others keep/ release? interested to know

good news is we're not going down and are moving in the right direction so let's all get right behind the group for the rest of the season as i think some good times are just around the corner. well done to travelling support again yesterday too. excellent


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Re: Brackley v Boston Live Stream YouTube
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2017, 02:15:14 PM »
The last month has seen a steady improvement in this team, I think we are moving forward in a positive direction now.
This squad has shown character and real determination to not buckle under some fair and unfair criticism at times, that alone fills me with hope fir next season.
When Adam gets the squad he wants,we will be an extremely hard team to score against and beat, I don't think we are going to be a high scoring team, yes DG teams scored lots of goals but our defensive record was very poor, the stats tell you that.
We all know that points and consistency wins leagues,and make no bones about it Adam wants to win this league, and he might just do that.
I don't worry about teams going full time in this league, that doesn't guarantee promotion.
Hard work,togetherness,determination,confidence,ability,self belief and a manager who knows how to use all of that plus how to implement tactics, and I believe Adam has buckets loads of that.