Author Topic: Boston United Bikeathon  (Read 2772 times)

The Chief

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Boston United Bikeathon
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:59:12 PM »
I would just like to wish Lewis, Martyn, Katie, Steve and Matt good luck with their Bikeathon on Friday and Saturday raising money for the MacMillan Charity Fund. Some of you will (and others will not) know I am John Thorogood the Boston United Stadium Safety Officer. In mid December 2014 I was taken ill and admitted to the Pilgrim Hospital where I stayed until the 27th. During this period I was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus (a Christmas for us all to forget), as you can imagine my world just fell apart for both myself and my family. I cannot describe how I felt other than isolated and frightened, this cannot be happening to me, no.
From diagnosis I was allocated a MacMillan Nurse who has been providing support and will continue to do so through my treatment. At anytime I or my family can ring to seek advice, talk or get help which is very reassuring. Some of you may have experienced what I am going through or had a family member or friend with cancer. It is not just the patient who suffers but others close to them. I am currently having chemotherapy which is an experience in its own right but its the start of the fight back. Surgery will follow in due course and I know I will beat this but it will be a long hard road. I and my family stay positive and confident and MacMillan are playing a massive part in this process for which we all are eternally grateful. You may have seen recent reports on the news or in the papers concerning the latest numbers of diagnosed cancer patients per head of population and it is not good reading. I am sure we have all thought, and I am as guilty as anyone, it only happens to someone else!
MacMillan is not funded by Government and rely on donations and charity events like the Bikeathon. Their work is invaluable and their services so wide ranging it is very important they are supported so they can help cancer patients and their families.If you are able to donate to the Just Giving Page that the staff have set up which Ken mentions in his earlier post please give a donation no matter how small. If you are going down to York Street for the Gainsborough Trinity game pop into the Pilgrim Lounge and see either Lewis, Martyn, Katie, Steve or Matt and they would be happy to receive any donation. I am hoping to come to the game and cheer the lads on (My first game since being diagnosed). Once again well done to everyone for their efforts and best wishes to you all. John T
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 01:04:30 PM by The Chief »


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Re: Boston United Bikeathon
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 01:15:45 PM »
A lovely and very positive post John. It is going to be a great effort by everyone involved and I for one will be popping into the lounge to make my donation. Every good wish to you and your family and the gang raising money. Will be good to see you up and about on Saturday and keeping your hand in so you will be able to carry on your duties in the new stadium for many years to come.

Ed Kandi

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Re: Boston United Bikeathon
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2015, 06:58:48 AM »
Excellent post John, I wish you well with your fight back.
I know of another Pilgrim fan undergoing treatment and I'm sure there are many more who have experienced this with family and friends.
Macmillan do such a great job and deserve our support.

The Chief

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Re: Boston United Bikeathon
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 12:45:39 PM »
Just to let you all know that as at today the Boston United Bikeathon has raised a total of £910.00 which is incredible. They are having a last ditch push to try and see if £90.00 can be raised to make the £1,000 before the McMillan just giving site will be closed as I understand on Friday of this week.

I also understand that arrangements may be in hand to hand to have a presentation to MacMillan at the last home game of the season.

Many thanks to all of you who donated. Bearing in mind the staff set out to raise £500.00 it is a terrific achievement by everyone and just shows the very best of Boston United Supporters.

Once again many thanks

John Thorogood


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Re: Boston United Bikeathon
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 01:31:52 PM »