Author Topic: You booze, you lose! That’s the motto for Boston United’s Dad’s Army (Standard)  (Read 1558 times)

Shoddys Lane

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Published on Saturday 19 November 2011 08:44

ALAN White says the biggest struggle for Boston United’s Dad’s Army is having to get used to part-time football... and that even means quitting the booze.

The 36-year-old is one of several ageing members in the Pilgrims squad.

White admits he has had to turn his life around in a bid to continue playing football at the highest level possible, even more so due to the restrictions that come with not training every day.

But he added that the squad members aged 30-plus still can’t get back to rude health as quickly as they used to.

He said: “We’re not playing full-time football anymore, we’re not in everyday getting physio. That definitely helps you get back to full fitness quicker.

“Nowadays we get physio once or twice a week. You want to get back just as quick, but you can’t. Maybe we’re trying to push it and get back as early as we used to be able to and it’s proving a little too hard.”

Jason Lee, Paul Bastock, Kevin Austin, Lee Canoville, Gareth Jelleyman and White are the current team members over 30.

So to make the most of the latter playing years, White says the elder statesmen have to completely reinvent their lifestyle, and stay clear of the late-night trappings of which young players are so often linked.

“You get slower so you have to be disiplined and do a bit on your own,” he said.

“You only train twice a week so you have to get down the gym. You have to work harder and eat better.

“There’s no more going out and getting drunk twice a week like when you were a young man. Then you could get up first thing and train like a spring chicken.

“You do your rehab at home, but not the same as having a full-time physio. Katie (Cooper) does great job but we’ve all got things to do in the day and can’t have it all the time.”