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Messages - gtfcboy

Pages: [1]
The B-Ark / Re: GTFC GK
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:18:25 PM »
So some people say, why is this? Am I famous in Boston as well as Grimsby!!

The B-Ark / Re: GTFC GK
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:07:00 PM »
I've just spoke to a few fans on the forum at GTFC, and they claim that H.A is a very bright and confident GK, very strong attributes in certain area's like kicking, but still has a lot to improve on before making the first team! But has never played for BUFC, but on the forum it says H.A told a fan, that he is happy to play for GTFC, but will never stop following BUFC, very strange that he joined GTFC at a young age over the team he supports!! But hey, one clubs loss, is another clubs gain, we need all the youngsters we can get, after the cut budget!

The B-Ark / Re: GTFC GK
« on: August 04, 2011, 07:44:32 PM »
Oh,  that's very surprising, so it's all just down to coincidence. Is it likely for us to get the other Ashton also?

The B-Ark / GTFC GK
« on: August 04, 2011, 06:28:44 PM »
Hi Boston fans, I'm a die hard Mariner, and was wondering if any of you could answer the question in which noone round here can give me an answer to.

In our Youth Team, we have a 16 year old GK from Boston (Harry Ashton), and on the GTFC official website, it states that he is a Boston United fan, and i was wondering if anyone knows if the partnership RS+PH snatched him from you as well as Church and Pearson??

And if so, has anyone ever seen him play?

thanks and regards

Steve Dunham

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