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Messages - noughtyforties

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The B-Ark / Re: Evans fires Di Canio warning
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:09:09 AM »

Looks like 3 defeats in 4 have opened that revolving door......

The B-Ark / Re: AGM kick off time?
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:58:36 PM »
Well I'm a shareholder now so I'll be attending.

A post from Woad Pilgrim! Have missed your balanced and educated posts, have you been away the last few weeks? Andy, have you chnaged your mind about your ticket for next Tue? If not i will pm you my address.

Hi Carl, send me your address, until things improve I'm not asking favours in midweek.....its a big enough effort on Saturday without dragging Mum up town on a week night.

Agreed, Woadies posts were honest and to the point.

Some of the shite posted on here beggars belief.......... is there any wonder articulate and sensible posters give the place a wide berth?

Keelan has now taken delivery of these programmes, many thanks to the others who offered, I'll have a sort out in a few weeks and probably offer a couple more box fulls for StP.
If anyone is missing anything from their collections get in touch and I'll have a look, there's about 10 crates and and a filling cabinet full of Utd stuff from the 40's to last season.
And as always if you have anything interesting let me know please, I'm always in the market for Utd programmes and memorabilia.

These are still open to offer..........

You have a pm

The B-Ark / Re: Message for the Chairman
« on: September 10, 2011, 10:10:55 PM »
Just to fully support all what DTW has just said......

When the job was advertised it said experience at Evo-Stick level was a minimum requirement........did I miss these two's spell in the hot seat at Quorn or Loughborough?

Rightly the fans are not happy, the feeling is of being sold short with this poor management team and inflation busting price hikes right across the matchday experience this summer. What will it take to realize the wrong people are in the job......a sub 1000 gate next Tuesday or an early FA Cup exit at Raggy arse Rovers?
Either way, the club loses, this penny pinching is now reaping the poor harvest predicted by so many and debunked by the deluded few....

The B-Ark / Re: V Solihull
« on: September 10, 2011, 09:51:34 PM »
Andy, if you haven't changed ur mind in a week or so ill take u up on that ticket. Will pay full price as always but instead use the cheap ticket to persuade a friend who usually prefers the champions league on a tuesday night. I also feel we could be lucky to get more than 1000 on a Tue with poor results/performances, cold dark autum nights and champions league on the tele again.

Nope I won't change my me your address and I'll post it this week and instead of the fiver get me a programme and post it to me, the club have had the money for the game and your mate is getting a bargain.........of sorts!

The B-Ark / Re: V Solihull
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:16:28 PM »
Well I'll say here and now if anyone wants my ticket for next Tuesday get in touch and put a fiver in the StP fund, I'm not going out of my way for a babysitter on the back of the garbage we've had to watch tonight. As long as the fiver is handed to Craig or JB thats fine.

The B-Ark / Re: a few FACTS....
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:14:18 PM »
We've scored two home goals.....Newsham v Histon and the OG v Vauxhall.

The 4 home games should have been a minimum 8 points, possibly 10. We've got 2.

I did warn about this all summer and was shot stance remains as it was all summer long, we took the cheap option with these two, then stuck prices up across the board under the justification of 'rising costs'.

Those costs will be massive when we're down to 3 figure gates next month after we go out of the FA Cup. Admit your mistake now David and get rid before the season goes from disappointment to calamity.

The B-Ark / How much longer David?
« on: September 10, 2011, 05:23:45 PM »
A shameful mockery doesn't sum that up today.

If ever a team showed the characteristics of its manager it was us today.


Another poor gate, how much more are we supposed to take?

Come on David, enough is enough, admit you've made a mistake and get rid.



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What you see is what you get.......

There's about 90% of the home programmes from the 1st 4 years of our Football League stint, most of the Conference 'winning' season and a few from the last few seasons.


40+ aways from the 5 FL seasons

a pile of newspapers from the promotion season

A ladies day rosette!

Some general bits and bobs like the Wembley 25th anniversary book and a Trophy Final programme.

I was given these (well I paid £2 and took the ticket stubs I needed) and I really don't have the room. I'll put them on e-bay next weekend if no one comes up with a realistic offer in the region of £25 for the cherry picking either, its all or nothing.

As I paid next to nothing all the monies will go to Save the Pilgrims, so all those of you who think I'm profiting will be sadly can collect from me and give JB or Chalker the money if you so wish.

The B-Ark / Re: o/t How will the Pilgrim cope?
« on: September 05, 2011, 05:23:37 PM »
Talking of fatties there is a quite horrific picture on page 12 of today's 'SuperGoals' supplement in The Sun.

I wish ill health on no one, not even him, but looking at that picture he's a coronary waiting to happen, someone really needs to sit him down and make him look at that photo and remind him he's a family at home who rely on him, its just awful.

The B-Ark / Re: SWD.....
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:54:29 PM »
has gone out on loan to that hotbed of football that is Buxton.

Great move Spence, well worth keeping your options open eh?

There was a topic already started on this subject, one that you had posted a response too. You moan about players not showing ambition but when a player tries to better himself you slag him off also.  ::)

Oh sorry for wasting your precious time.....

Telford a bigger club than us....? me a favour, in league terms yes, historically no.

Bettering himself? Financially almost certainly, and thats what its all about.

Crikey, you really should grow up. Did you enjoy the game?

Well you'll get the bite from me you so desperately want......

You know full fecking well I can't go to away games,I'm a single widowed parent and I've a little girl of 7 to look after, I'm calling in favours all over the place just to get to home games.

Just fecking think before you open your mouth when having a pop at me, its twats like you that make following this club tiresome.

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