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Messages - O CHO MEALLT

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The B-Ark / On The Subject Of Managers............
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:01:05 AM »
.......Tommy Taylor has been appointed as manager of Belper Town,to be assisted by Jon Froggatt(mark 2).I'm sure Tommys depth of knowledge of Unibond/Evostick football will stand them in good stead. ;D

The B-Ark / Re: And the winner is.....
« on: May 11, 2011, 10:28:12 AM »
I'm delighted Jason and Lee have got the job.It's clear they both care a great deal about Boston United.They understand the ethos of the club.There is a spirit around the club that i have never seen in all the time i have been watching Boston United,and hopefully this appointment will help that to continue and grow.Hopefully this will also help to persuade more of the current squad to stay.There are bound to be questions regarding experience/contacts-but those questions were also asked of S&H.Let's remember to be patient.

He'll be selling himself short if he goes there...........

I'm pleased i'm not the one who has to make the decision.My heart says Jason and Lee but my head isn't so sure.If it was Paul Cox at least he might be able to persuade Lee Stevenson to come................

The B-Ark / Re: Retained list
« on: May 10, 2011, 02:22:31 PM »
Well since retained suggests who we'd like to keep,or more importantly,who the club would like to keep,you would have to include Shaun Pearson and Churchy even though we know they are almost certain to leave.
FWIW this would be my list;

Shaun Pearson
Anthony Church
Danny Haystead
Paul Bastock
Lee Canoville
Shane Clarke
Gareth Jellyman
Kieran Murphy
Ryan Semple
Danny Sleath
Spencer Weir-Daley
Jamie Yates
Lawrie Dudfield
Marc Newsham
Two keepers might be a bit extravagant,But Bazza could also help with coaching and developing some of the younger keepers at the club.Haystead did enough to deserve another opportunity before he got injured.
No Kevin Austin for me-did brilliantly for us,but no 38 year old centre backs for me.Boyes i'm unsure about-he has ability,but i think he's not best suited for this level.Cully and DD have played their part over the last two sesons,but have probably gone as far as they can.No Stef Frost either.Newsh would also have to prove his fitness.
So that's my choice-but i think there will be quite a few of those we won't see again.

The B-Ark / Re: MOTM
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:54:39 PM »
I don't think any of the players know what the future holds for them at the moment.As for MOM-nearly impossible to choose one after such a brilliant team perfomance,but i'd like to give a mention for Danny Sleath who put in yet another "unsung hero" performance.

« on: May 09, 2011, 01:31:17 PM »
Not that we needed a reminder of the difference between this squad and that shower that represented our club a couple of years ago,but those videos show just what the club has meant to these players.I don't mind admitting i had a lump in my throat after watching those two interviews.Thankfully i got the chance to shake hands with both of them after the game.Churchy,Shaun,wherever your careers take you in the future i wish you all the luck in the world-you deserve it.

The B-Ark / Re: What a game
« on: May 08, 2011, 07:12:07 PM »
Once again the lads showed their fighting spirit,as they have done all season and last.They never know when they are beaten.I have a feeling we will be looking at a nearly new team next season.To those that leave us,thanks for all your hard work,it's been a pleasure watching you over the last two seasons.

Gutted for the lads.

The B-Ark / Re: Get down to York Street!
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:25:58 PM »
It's going to be tough,very tough.We've got to score twice against a side who we've only scored one against in the three games we've played.We have half a team carrying injuries.BUT,we know this team have a great fighting spirit and will never give up.Let's get behind them,and be patient-we don't have to score in the first ten minutes.See you all tomorrow.

The B-Ark / Re: Disgraceful Director?
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:50:06 AM »
Dazzie,please engage your brain before approaching your keyboard in the future.At that point in the game we were 1-0 down,being pinned back ,and looked like we could conceed again.As someone has pointed out it's called damage limitation.What did you want?for us to go at it "gung-ho" and conceed a second and perhaps a third and render the second leg an impossiblity?Keep up the good work Cookie,we all know and appreciate what you do for Boston United Football Club.See you all Sunday,and lets make some NOISE.

The B-Ark / Re: last night's Match
« on: May 04, 2011, 08:33:29 AM »
A fair summing up Bob. ;)

The B-Ark / Re: FC United watch it here
« on: May 02, 2011, 04:59:22 PM »
1-0 to Colwyn at f/t.Bugger-wanted FCUM to win that one.I thought the sheepshaggers had their own league anyway.Mind you their pitch did have grass on it,more than can be said of BPA this time last year.

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Guiseley vs Boston United
« on: May 02, 2011, 03:00:02 PM »
Guiseley 1  Boston United  1            Att.986

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Boston United vs Vauxhall Motors
« on: April 26, 2011, 11:36:06 AM »
Boston United 2  Vauxhall Motors 0        Att.1388

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Nuneaton Town vs Boston United
« on: April 23, 2011, 09:56:52 PM »
Nuneaton Town 1  Boston United 1    Att.1090

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