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Messages - noughtyforties

Pages: 1 ... 97 98 [99] 100 101 ... 123
The B-Ark / Re: Sour grapes
« on: October 30, 2011, 09:51:49 AM »
Crawley boss Steve Evans told BBC Sussex:

"We're disappointed. That would finish football, having to play against that every week.

"We started on the back foot and didn't really get going. Credit to our players, we gave it our best in the second half.

"Their only shot is the goal. They didn't try to play. It's two points dropped. We'll get back on the training ground on Monday and work hard."

Of course Steve......

And you had Boston (and Creepy) playing like Barcelona when there was feck all cash to spunk on players didn't you? Oh the sumptuous flowing football during the 0-5 at home to Carlise and and 0-6 v Grimsby will live with all who saw it for ever. And that 1-3 at home to Chester when they'd lost 10 on the spin.......I must have missed the latest repeat of that on ESPN while I watched a re run of AC Milan beating Steaua 4-0 in that European Cup Final when Gullit, Riykaard and Van Basten were in their pomp.

Someone put the fat cunt out of his misery........please.

The B-Ark / Dave.......
« on: October 29, 2011, 10:16:46 PM »
get us out of this league so we don't have to let scum like that play on our pitch again.

The most unprofessional mob I've ever seen down here, the post match behaviour by the tunnel was a disgrace and I hope the league take action against them.

Mind you, those idiots having a go at Bazza at the end of the 1st half aren't much yourself's fans........try getting behind the lads instead of finding a player a week to pick on......I see Semple had a go back at some gobshite too......either support the lads at the game or shut the feck up.

The B-Ark / Re: Another 3 points but.....
« on: October 22, 2011, 07:47:24 PM »
Several hunded quid on stewards in one stand? Where do you get that figure from?

Whats a steward get a game? £40? £50? 5 or 6 on the Town End and 2 or 3 on the away section.......thats a couple of players wages in my book.

The B-Ark / Re: Another 3 points but.....
« on: October 22, 2011, 06:10:39 PM »
I didn't hear the Town End until we were 2-1 up so I suggest you get off your high set yourselves up as some kind of superfans but the silence was deafening fact the whole atmosphere today was non existent. Given the numbers up there today and the costs involved in opening that end if I were DN and his directors I'd seriously consider shutting it and sticking the fans in other parts of the ground......It must cost several hundred quid to steward each game, money that could well be spent elsewhere.

And how many came from Workington today? 15?20? Why ever we need to segregate and incur the costs that pointless exercise racks up is beyond me........very few other clubs do it and as people are always at pains to point out we're always looking to save money........close the Town End and end the would save a fortune.

Well done to all today, Jason Lee proved yet again he's maybe not much of a manager but he's a 1st class target man.......and Nathan Stainfield take a bow! He was fecked for the last 20 minutes but he looked a decent fit today. Not a great game and ruined by some bizarre decisions but Workington are the type of team we'd have lost to 4 or 5 weeks ago.

The B-Ark / Re: well done today
« on: October 16, 2011, 02:34:56 PM »
Have I missed the thread where Naughtyforties praises the team for yesterday ?

No, because there isn't going to be one...........

The B-Ark / Re: BAZZA 650 today
« on: October 15, 2011, 11:41:38 PM »
I'd be interested to know his complete record at senior level, remember he was at Fisher (always loved the red card reaction v Barnet) and Kettering before joining us, and then he has that 6 or 7 season stint at St Albans.

Thinking about it he must be getting close to 1000 senior games now.

Seriously enjoy him while he's about, we'll never see the likes of him again.

The B-Ark / Re: statement from the chairman
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:06:23 AM »
Well said DT.

There's too many creeps and arseslickers on here who seem to think that any thing other than total obedience to all things BUFC is tantamount to treason. Get real, only an idiot can't see that this team is a shadow of the sides of the last few seasons and the budget cut is no excuse for the shambles these two managers have laid before us.......if people think a 6-1 defeat is 'one of those things' then they need a reality check. Its not good enough, nor are the majority of the players signed and I for one am getting sick of the apologists saying 'give it time' and 'we're not far off'......we're miles away from where we want to be and more importantly where we SHOULD be.

DT's, right, unless this slide is addressed NOW then heaven only know's what sort of gates and as a consequence loss of revenue and budget cuts can be expected in the future. Those of you thinking that we're OK need a reality check, we've played over one quarter of the season and played no one in the top 6 or 7 yet, we could not have asked for a better set of fixtures and yet we still look like a side who've just met.......and more importantly I question if the managers know their best side.

However I disagree that Dave Newton needs to put a statement out, things need to be done in private and I'm confident he'll have said what needs to be said.

The B-Ark / Re: Anyone go to yesterday's debacle?
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:09:38 PM »
Its just we've not had anyone's thoughts from yesterday's game, there were apparently 80 odd away fans so someone must have some thoughts.......LP? WP? Anyone?

C'mon Andy,
 you asked for views from the likes  WP. You've had that, let's hear from you. And what do you think of Ferrets post below or earlier recent positive posts on our predicament by Pete B? Perhaps KON has a response? You two must be out the same pod! Seems to me guys like you and KON ingratiate each other, massage the old ego and spin your own misery.


We've had a couple or more of bad results?

We're currently 12th in the table, one win away from a play off spot?

Why should DN make a statement because a few keyboard warriors are trying to grab a lot of virtual attention?  

He is openly approachable before games if you want to to have a chat.  Would you rather we go back to previous "successful"  methods of running the club that brought lightning success with almost the heaviest price afterwards?  Perhaps we need to settle for a rarity in the recent history of BUFC, a season of very little - no title challenges, no relegation battles and importantly, no court or financial battles...except to extract some dosh from Grimsby?"

I think I've got a stalker.......either that or an admirer....... :-\

The B-Ark / Re: We are all in it together
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:55:01 PM »
With you all the way but if you involve BUSA I'm out...........after the way they laid down and let Evans dictate to them during his tenure they should be running buses and no more.

Problem is you're just milking the same old pockets all the time, if the club want to raise a bit more money why not speculate to accumulate and get another commercial bod in, even part time. Either that or get Craig out and about a bit more (a company phone wouldn't go a miss here either.......) and cut the programme size and price......I think we can all live without knowing what the reserve team goalie does on his holidays or read 10 year old articles on football programmes. Also with the club having such close ties with Sheffield United's pools office why not ask to go out and about with them for a few days and pick up some idea's.........?

And yes, I can appreciate how hard that commercial job is here after the wreckage left behind by the Fat Scottish must be a thankless task and its not one I'd want to take on. I know I read what Chris Cook put about all the pack going out and not getting a reply back.......times are hard but a new trick or two picked up from elsewhere could be the catalyst for a new revenue stream.

God that sounds like something Sotnick would say........ :-\

The B-Ark / Anyone go to yesterday's debacle?
« on: October 09, 2011, 08:59:44 AM »
Its just we've not had anyone's thoughts from yesterday's game, there were apparently 80 odd away fans so someone must have some thoughts.......LP? WP? Anyone?

The B-Ark / Just to put today's shambles into perspective.....
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:25:23 PM »

The article near the top, Boston fan taken to hospital after the game.......

The B-Ark / Re: Adam Boyes
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:16:41 PM »
FWIW I always though he thought he was a little bit better than he actually was......

The B-Ark / Re: Suggestions for new manager please
« on: October 08, 2011, 05:21:11 PM »
I'd say our budget is up there in the top 10 in the league, its not a Solihull or Vauxhall level budget but by the same token I'm sure others have a bit more to play with.

I'd say there'd be a queue of people wanting this job, I just don't know what came over Dave when he gave these two the gig.

The B-Ark / Re: 6-1
« on: October 08, 2011, 04:58:15 PM »
Heaviest defeat since 6-0 against Grimsby in the last league season.

The connection?

Two managers who've lost the support.

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