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Messages - noughtyforties

Pages: 1 ... 96 97 [98] 99 100 ... 123
The B-Ark / Re: Polish scum of Boston
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:08:21 PM »
Is it not time to lock this thead........? Its getting tedious on so many levels.

The B-Ark / Re: Gainsborough
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:53:02 PM »
Did the gate make 1000 today?

Or was it the usual 350 Home fans outnumbered by about 500 visitors?

We contribute thousands to their coffers each season......they bring 26........

The B-Ark / Re: Tinpot Trinity..........messing things up for 43 years
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:35:14 PM »
Sadly its as good as its going to get for a few years........unless Lincoln or Grimsby REALLY mess up!

They have pretensions of being serious rivals but in reality they are like one of those annoying turds that take 3 or 4 flushes to get down the U bend really!

The B-Ark / Tinpot Trinity..........messing things up for 43 years
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:28:27 PM »
and counting!

Well done to all tonight, as one of the managements fiercest critics I'm big enough to offer praise where its due and its due tonight.

Lets finish the job off in the New Year, do the double over the clowns and put Swann and his pipe dream to bed for another year........... The Town End ought to get one of those clocks that Man Utd had for Citeh up to this year, showing how long its been since they won anything worthwhile!

The B-Ark / Re: BUSA travel to G'boro
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:19:16 AM »
I'm amazed there's any takes at that price to be honest.......

Is there no way you could have struck a deal with the bus company for a better rate than that,its about 55 miles away FFS. I know we couldn't believe the fare when it was read out over the tannoy on Saturday.

I could understand if it was in the North West or North East but Gainsborough? Its in the same county!!!!


The B-Ark / If the football Gods are listening tonight......
« on: November 18, 2011, 08:46:01 PM »
Please, please,please,please, please don't let us lose to those clowns up the other end of the County tomorrow.

Its not a big ask is it?

Yes we're at best average.

Yes, they've spent a fortune and still only have about 250 real fans.

So even a draw will do, I just don't want to suffer the shame of losing to them on that dump.

Tinpot Trinity, the epitome of mid table mediocrity for 44 years.

The B-Ark / Re: Polish scum of Boston
« on: November 15, 2011, 10:10:12 PM »
Its like anything, there's good and bad.........99% of the migrants are good honest family people who get on with their lives like the rest of us.

Sadly the tiny minority that are a nuisance spoil it for the rest, just like in the 70's and 80's when as a group we were all tarred as football hooligans just for attending games.

The B-Ark / Re: today
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:25:28 AM »

I don't know why you bother arguing with MLF, he's quite obviously content with the culture of mediocrity that's been allowed to flourish this season. Poor summer signings, a realization that what we had wasn't good enough and then short term loans and panic signings are all adding up to the scenario many of us predicted but who are shot down by those 'on message'.

Fact is we lost 5 home games in 09/10 & 10/11 combined, already in 9 home games we've lost 3 matches this season. The gates are down by around 250 per game and with tricky away games to come at the 2nd and 3rd placed teams in the next few weeks my worry is we'll find ourselves in lower mid table before too long and a budget cut in the new year. And after New Year we've a tricky run of games that I have little confidence in the current side gleaning many points from.

Over the last two seasons the great strength of the side has been to grind out results, especially against the top sides and late goals became a specialty. Yesterday I saw us collapse like a pack of cards defensively after they scored, it was only Baz, some poor finishing and the woodwork that saved us from a 4 or 5 goal mauling. We had two lads at centre back who were shot by the hour mark, hardly surprising as they had a combined age of around 70. And could anyone see us scoring? Did their keeper make a serious save all afternoon? The Hyde no 8 ran the game from midfield in the same way Sleath and Church used to for us.......why has no adequate replacements been signed? Why do we create nothing from the middle of the park?

The folly of the cheap option is coming home to roost, and the good work of the last 2 years has been tossed away in a welter of sub standard signings and equally sub standard replacements.

The B-Ark / Re: today
« on: November 12, 2011, 06:55:46 PM »
I think today was the best we've played that I've seen this season, but sadly it also shows how far we've deteriorated as a side since the end of last season.........we're nowhere near play off quality and thats the yardstick by which the management will be judged.

The B-Ark / Re: v Corby Tues 13th December
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:22:55 PM »
But the chances are it will again be re-arranged for midweek, so I'll not be able to go.

The B-Ark / v Corby Tues 13th December
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:00:37 PM »
as its a midweek game I won't be able to attend so if anyone wants to give me a fiver for the ticket drop me a pm and I'll meet you at the nearest home game to that date.

The B-Ark / Re: FANS FORUM
« on: November 02, 2011, 05:38:49 PM »
How about what the club are doing proactively to address the slump in attendances?

Will there be any impact on 1st team budget due to small gates and an early FA Cup exit?

How far are Alan White and Tom Ward from a 1st team return?

Sorry, babysitting.

« on: October 30, 2011, 07:47:15 PM »


Valid point about the abuse for the lad being patched up though, the abuse was indefensible.

« on: October 30, 2011, 07:38:36 PM »
An innocent footballing incident I would suggest, from my seat. Dealt with wrongly by the visitors, and rightly lost the advantage. Funny old game this.

You were blind side then and didn't see the elbow.

No sympathy for them btw, just an honest view of what I saw.

They got a point more than they deserved for their conduct.

« on: October 30, 2011, 02:39:02 PM »
I thought they (Colwyn Bay) as a football team conducted themselves terribly all afternoon........the behaviour of several of their players and staff was disgusting and was at best fit only for the local leagues.


Challinor is right, Jason Lee's challenge on the lad was awful, a really cowardly challenge and if we'd had anything approaching a competent set of officials yesterday he'd have been looking a red card and subsequent 3 match ban.......the best thing JL could have done was what he did, quietly substitute himself in the mayhem. He let himself down badly with that challenge.

And those morons who booed the lad after he'd been patched up are beyond the the feck can you fake an injury like that...?....some of the clowns that attend our games really need to take a look at themselves at times.

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