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Messages - BUFC Loyal

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The B-Ark / Re: Next seasons squad
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:10:58 PM »
Maybe Ricky Drury will not be automatic choice as back up. Speaking to a certain ex Boston united goalkeeper who may get himself in the frame as back up keeper he may get the chance to be the back up keeper while registered somewhere else.  :o , We'll see hey!

who would that be ? my guess would be maybe Butcher ?

The B-Ark / Re: Retford United to NECL?
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:59:55 PM »
Can't say i like them in the UniBond as they were utter thugs, but i must say we had some good battles with them and they had an edge about them

I myself would give it to Jase/Canners as they know the spirit within this bunch of lads so would know what type of player to bring in AND would add to 'continuty' and might give us our best chance of keeping a decent chunk of this lot.

After that i wouldn't mind Paul  Cox as he did well with Eastwood and i wouldn't mind Kitterick from Guislsey if we had a similar situation to when S/H came here, taking Ilkeston up then dropping down a level to us

But whatever happens, happens i have faith in DN/NK that they will pick the right choice

« on: May 09, 2011, 09:25:02 PM »
We may not be going fulltime,but why can we not sign both Churchy and Pearson as coaches for the youth setup and let them do their badges and be paid to play and coach like Ollie Ryan use to.

BRILLIANT idea that - oh how i'd love to see that happen, they all have my respect but those 2 are my favourite players

The B-Ark / Re: Retained list
« on: May 09, 2011, 09:23:21 PM »
I'd try and keep most of the team, keep them together and then push for promotion with a few additions. These are without Pearson and Church, as we're pretty sure they're going to leave.

Bastock (with Drury as back up)

I think you're pretty spot-on with that list bar Stones imo

But then theirs the Uni/Full-time issue, Boyes wants FT and i fear that SWD and Sleath will be pinched from an higher team from us, then Cully and Murphy in the same boat as Churchy.

The B-Ark / Re: What a game
« on: May 09, 2011, 07:15:30 AM »
Well i didn't feel like doing much last night so ...

I can only say how proud i am of those lads, they never give up nor know when they are beaten, its such a shame a lot wll probarly move onto to other clubs, but all i could say is thankyou for all the effort they have put it over the these 2 years, which have given us a club to be proud of again.

If Guisiely wasn't such a similar team to in the sense of 'never give up' we'd have won and been looking forward to going to Telford next Sunday, but as it turned out to be we were so evenly matched it took penalties to seperate us, and unfortunetly Lady Luck wasn't shining on us.

But there has been so many memroable moments this season and over these 2 years with this sqaud their has been alot more ups then downs and that is down to their never say never attitude so...

This just leaves me to say a big THANKYOU to ...

The sqaud - For never giving up and giving us so many moments of joy and pride

DN/NK - For continually keeping this club afloat

Scott & Hurst - As much i don't like the was they left, no-one can deny they put the wheels in motion, and for that i'll always respect what they did for this club

And finally... Canners and Jason Lee - It took real bottle to take this job on when S/H left, at that point it could have gone pear shaped for us and we could have even fallen out of the Play-Off spots without a fight, but they steadied the ship and didn't mess around too much with the system or anything which was obviously met with some good peformances from the team, I'm also going to add that Canners went from player and no-doubt good friends with alot from this team to joint gaffer making decisions on who will start and who won't etc, i myself wouldn't want to have done that but he had the courage to do it.

So after writing an eassay and half, i won't lie their is sill that 'what could have been feeling' inside of me but the main feeling is pride, and i hope every other BUFC fan feels that today, them lads gave us EVERYTHING they had, it wasn't too long ago we were fighting for our lives in the UniBond and 2 years later within a penatly shoot-out and 90mins of BSP, they deserve everything that comes their way.

BUFC 2-0 Guiseley


The B-Ark / Re: last night's Match
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:26:15 PM »
i was sort of caught in the middle of what was just chanting really, maybe if the idiots had opened the gate in the corner so we could have got through straight away it would have solved everything. there just not used to fans and you could certainly tell. anyway, i thought we played well first half, yatesy unlucky not to score, should have had a pen and thats probably the best goal we've seen this season (apart from our three in the first half against blyth) so not too bad. it will be a big ask on sunday but we know all the lads will go out and make proud. whatever the outcome it has been a fantastic season far beyond what i had imagined. UTP


The B-Ark / Re: Directors comments last night?
« on: May 04, 2011, 01:35:46 PM »
All this fuss about something that Cookie was 100% right on

and being told that hes a 'disgrace' for being honest.

charming coming from  a person who didn't go to the game

i know not all can go away games for various reasons, but don't make a big deal of it if you don't know how the game actually panned out

The B-Ark / Re: Ok let's have it...
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:35:45 PM »
No reason to give them the town end as they don't warrant it with their attendances. Surely at least 3-400 will be making the trip tomorrow?

I expect we'll be surprised by how many go, it will like Retford last year.

I expect a very good number to turn up tomorrow in fairness okay its the 1st leg but if we don't get the right result tomorrow 2nd leg COULD be pointless so people need to turn out in numbers if you ask me

And the debate about Town End on Sunday, myself i can't see many turning up from their end seeing as last season whent hey were top of the league barely 50 turned up, i'd expect 200max and i'm sure i can rememer Stamford having around that in YS a few season's ago and all was fine

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Guiseley vs Boston United
« on: May 01, 2011, 10:20:50 PM »
Guiseley 0-1 BUFC


The B-Ark / Re: It's Guiseley
« on: April 30, 2011, 09:17:32 PM »
Hard to predict what numbers would travel, Taking into the count the final say will be sunday and the fact its a few hours drive on a week night.

i do expect a more than average away support in all fairness, i know its a fair drive for a tuseday night, but its a semi-final we need as many people down there as possible to get behind the lads, give them that extra push and hopefully go into the 2nd leg with something to hold onto, these are the sorts of games people really need to turn out in numbers

The B-Ark / Re: United confirm play-off details
« on: April 27, 2011, 12:58:09 PM »
In all fairness its been known for a while that the 2nd leg and final would be on the sunday, i know all can't book time off but it has been known for a while in fairness

The B-Ark / Re: Prediction League - Boston United vs Vauxhall Motors
« on: April 25, 2011, 11:26:38 PM »

1344 (few people will save £ for Tuseday and hopefully the 2 other games that will follow it !)

The B-Ark / Re: Nuneaton or Guiseley?
« on: April 24, 2011, 01:58:35 PM »
Few weeks ago i'd have taken any of these on without thinking about it

Guiseley had a real bad patch and looked there for the taking if they stumbled into the Play-Offs but they seem to have been on a roll these last few weeks

Nuneaton, funny one really we play them tomorrow so i don't think its going to be the best of games due to the fact neither will want to give too much away in case we meet again in a couple weeks time.

If we are to make the final i honestly don't think it'll make much of a difference, as others have said on another topic we have a better vocal support away from home which would spur the lads on.

But on the other hand i'd love to see us get promoted at home as the 2 i can only really remember are 2002 and last season !

But we'll have to wait and see, either way its been a great season

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